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Poor Mark Francois; this is the worst stunt I have ever seen.

Which idiot told them to let go of the balloons - or were they biodegradeable?


All balloons are biodegradable, they are made of rubber latex and break down at about the same speed as oak leaves.

Don't ask me how I know so much about latex ;-)

I am allergic to latex as a result of over-exposure. It’ll come as no surprise to Comstock that there are so many latex experts here!

I read that guff about oak leaves too, and the bit about balloons bursting high in the sky into harmless itty-bitty pieces – wasn’t it on the Balloon Manufacter’s Assoc website? I wonder when the last turtle mistook and oak leaf as a squid and choked to death on it.

I will have my moment of criticising Dave!

I thought it was great! If only for the introductory few bars of Nena. "This is it boys, this is war" at the school disco. Ah, takes you back. I have suddenly a horribly sharp memory of Frank Bough on Breakfast Time getting very excited about Nena. Nurse! The Madeleines!

From the comments I was expecting this to be a bit naff but looking at it, it was actually quite clever and got the point across well. Was it covered by the media?


I thought it was great! If only for the introductory few bars of Nena. "This is it boys, this is war"

You just can't beat a catchily naff backing track to a campaign event, can you? I found the damn song going through my head all afternoon...

it was actually quite clever and got the point across well.

We did a very similar thing in 2005 at the launch of our GE campaign in at least one target seat, releasing 66 blue balloons to highlight the tax rises of the then "clickety-click Chancellor" in the city centre in front of the local media. Very effective for a cheap and simple stunt.

There were a fair few hoots and toots from passing drivers as well - oh and a slightly startled looking Conservative MP went past in a taxi - Don't worry Mr Bacon, I won't let on - damn!

Was it covered by the media?
I think you got a brief bit on 'News at Ten'

Right, bed. I'm all budgeted out :D

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