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Male and Etonian: "Bridges' trajectory is typical. Like Cameron, Kruger and Llewellyn, he went to Eton.

For all the modern vaneer, very much members of the old school privilidged ruling class, then. Haven't we had enough of them over the years? Blair included by the way.........

Young: "Bertin is 28 and has only been working in politics for four years. Danny Kruger, one of Cameron's two speechwriters, left university in 2000

Much, much, much too young. Surely politics is something you need a bit of grey hair for. 'life experience' is how they put it I think.

So in summary...meet the new Tories, younger version of the old Tories.....hmmm not quite as snappy as 'new labour new danger' is it :D

It says it all really.

Little mention of Letwin which makes me question the research.

With all of these young guns around it's no wonder that Curly's staff, and some of the customers, think that Cameron is a bit dishy. Do you think that the female vote is all that influential?

"Little mention of Letwin"
I thought the article highlighted Letwin's role as a moderniser?

Only the one paragraph Scotty. Thought he would be recognised as being a little more instrumental in his current role. Perhaps the fact that he's experienced would have taken away from the real reason for the article, which is to paint project Cameron as a bunch of young toffs. (perhaps to compliment Hitchins programme next week).

"Perhaps the fact that he's experienced would have taken away from the real reason for the article"
Must admit that was exactly what I thought when the article did not highlight the importance of Letwin's current role.

Interesting but doesn't really say much that we didn't already know: a tight-knit group of largely well-heeled patricians who see politics as a big game where it is "their turn" to operate the levers of power. By their own admission, they will probably leave their inheritance from New Labour largely intact.

Back to the 1950s, then.

It seems Cameron has some very loyal and professional people around him. Friendships often cross party-political lines - nothing new or wrong about that! Just look at the Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis. His good friend is none other than Alistair Campbell! Ring a bell? LOL.

Just look at the Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis. His good friend is none other than Alistair Campbell!

Doesn't that go back to the proposed LBO of the Mirror when Davis was in a consortium and Campbell at The Mirror ?

"Ed Llewellyn, Cameron's chief of staff, was aide to Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten, however, and also adviser to Paddy Ashdown whilst the former LibDem leader was in Bosnia."

I'm disappointed - I would have expected an onslaught of faux outrage from the trolls and malcontents at this particular observation by now. Wake up, 'Alex Forsyth'!

dont underestimate lord ashcroft. quiet but when he does speak!!!!!

I'm disappointed - I would have expected an onslaught of faux outrage from the trolls and malcontents at this particular observation by now.

Why? Paddy Ashdown fits Cameron's image and the choice of staff what I more or less expected.

"Why? Paddy Ashdown fits Cameron's image and the choice of staff what I more or less expected."

That's more like it.

And why no mention of Cameron's "other" speechwriter?

Step forward the great Douglas Smith, star of FCS in its "Hang Nelson Mandela" days, former short-term resident of Brixton Gaol and mastermind of Fever Parties, Britain's hottest, hippest orgies.

Isn't rather odd - I mean really odd - that such a luminary gets left out?

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