Last weekend we revealed John McCain's dismay at David Cameron's stance on Iraq. If the Tories' bridges to the GOP are looking shakier the outreach to the Democrats is improving. Climate change evangelist Al Gore is to address the shadow cabinet this week, according to The Sunday Telegraph. The former US President's hypocrisy on global warming was recently exposed.
This week looks set to be a big week for the Tories and the environment. Yesterday evening ConservativeHome covered the story about the Tories' green tax plans. The newspapers have unfairly overinterpreted a consultation paper as definite plans. Today's editorials are, nonetheless, an interesting warning of how newspapers are likely to react to heavy green taxation:
"George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, threatens massive hikes in the costs of one of the few bargains left: cut-price domestic flights. His barmy idea is to force us on to a rail network where it can cost £600 to take a family of four from one end of the UK to the other - in ECONOMY! ...If the Tories aren't careful, come the election we'll remember two things: Hugging a hoodie and mugging your holiday flights."
- News of the World
"Millions have come to enjoy the freedom to fly on holiday at a reasonable cost. Something once available only to the rich is now within reach of hard-working people on ordinary incomes. Now the Tory Party wants to put a duty on such journeys. Shadow Chancellor George Osborne wishes to restrict each family to one escape to the sun per year. Anything more than that will be subjected to supposedly 'green' taxation, the proceeds of which - we are unconvincingly assured - will be returned to us in tax cuts elsewhere."
- Mail on Sunday
"Mr Cameron deserves more than the benefit of the doubt for his attempts to widen the appeal of his party and change perceptions of its motives. But he is running risks with these proposals: Labour may portray him as wanting to increase taxes on hard-working people by penalising those who spend their money on holidays for their families. Furthermore, there are now signs that the so-called "unanimous consensus" on climate change is disintegrating. Mr Cameron may be about to learn that the danger inherent in following political fashions is that they can change very quickly."
I hope they have some tricky questions for Mr Gore.
Posted by: Richard | March 11, 2007 at 10:48
Anyone who saw 'Dispatches' on Thursday on Channel 4 will be aware that despite the spin there is far from being any consensus amongst climate scientists that global warming is being caused by man-made CO2. Rather the evidence that was presented in the programme makes a compelling case for the cause being linked to natural Solar cycle activity. There are many laudable reasons that we should be trying to care for our planet and live 'greener' lives. In addition there is a clear electoral benefit to making the right noises however we should be particularly careful not to alienate working people who already feel over-taxed by slapping duty on their flights as well.
I hope Osbourne will think again.
Posted by: Matt Johnson | March 11, 2007 at 10:57
Will a Climate Change sceptic be invited to put the counter argument I wonder.
Posted by: Andrew Woodman | March 11, 2007 at 11:02
Interesting shades of the Clean Air Act 1956, under a Conservative Government.
Posted by: David DPB | March 11, 2007 at 11:04
I'm quite glad that the Party is positioning itself toward the Democrats! With the rubbish flying our way from the republicans they deserve to be sent to coventry for a VERY long time.
Posted by: simon | March 11, 2007 at 12:21
Yet again we are seeing a complete lack of understanding and comprehension from the Republicans regarding the shifting mood of the electorate both in America and here in the UK.
Rather than being critical of the Conservative party regarding its Foreign policy direction, they should be embracing it as a sign that we are moving away from the damaging Bush/Blair years.
As for signs of a Democrat outreach programme, I will be interesting in seeing signs that the Democrats recognise the importance of building a relationship with the Conservatives who could be the next British government.
Reading through the comments in the papers above regarding green taxes, I was struck by the by the way that they fail to note that the Conservatives are in the same week pushing for tax cuts for married families.
I expect a Conservative government to increase green taxes and I would be surprised if many voters don't think the same. If they get the balance right then come the next GE campaign people will also realise that that green taxes will not simple be used to increase the overall tax burden, but instead if they see that the tax revenue gained will be used to lower taxes in other area's then I think that will be a powerful argument.
Posted by: Scotty | March 11, 2007 at 12:59
Do we see some implicit evidence of ConHome's views on the 2000 Presidential race? "The former US President's hypocrisy on global warming was recently exposed."
Come on lads, he was Vice President!
Posted by: London Salmon | March 11, 2007 at 13:09
Does this mean we'll get Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson lecturing us on civil rights and affirmative action?
Wake up you lot, the Democrats are far from a conservative force in politics. Last time i checked, open borders, extreme social liberalism, racist affirmative acion, trade unionism and punitive, hysterical environmentalism were far from being conservative traits.
Posted by: Tim Aker | March 11, 2007 at 13:24
All parties should listen to the full spectrum of opinion and then come to a conclussion about what needs to be again.We should not be afraid to listen to friends and enemies alike.
Posted by: Jack Stone | March 11, 2007 at 13:53
Once upon a time, Al Gore was a middle-of-the-road Southern Democratic Senator. But that was a VERY long time ago in terms of his political evolution: he's now a self-obsessed, self-righteous far-left lunatic with delusions of being some kind of environmental messiah, and anyone in the Tory Party with any sense--indeed, anyone in politics with any sense generally--should want to have absolutely nothing to do with him.
Posted by: Dave J | March 11, 2007 at 14:36
Al Gore is a Washington insider born inside The Beltway to his Senator father who was wsponsored by Armand Hammer.
Gore is just an insider who resents interlopers being elected...he now has his Michael Moore Moment and is about as truthful
Posted by: ToMTom | March 11, 2007 at 14:45
Unless the Reverend Al swims across the Atlantic to give his talk, he'll have come by jet, which leaves a pretty big "carbon footprint". Will anyone in the Shadow Cabinet ask him about this? About his gas-guzzling jetting all around the world? About his three energy-guzzling houses?
Posted by: Bruce | March 11, 2007 at 14:51
I despair when I hear our front bench are to be lectured by Gore. The Channel 4 film "The Great Climate Change Swindle" was a wake up call and should be seen by every member of the party.
Where is the explanation of why the planet cooled from 1945 to 1975, if CO2 is responsible for most of the global warming since then? It's not as if we weren't pumping it out during the whole of that period, is it?
Posted by: Derek | March 11, 2007 at 14:59
For anyone who missed it the first time, The Global Warming Swindle is repeated on More4 on Monday at 2200.
Posted by: mark | March 11, 2007 at 16:39
Those who don`t believe this planet is facing environmental disaster if people don`t change and we stop pollution are I suspect the same people who believe smoking isn`t dangerous, the earth is flat and there is a man in the moon.
Just because a lot of enviromentalists and those warning about global warming are on the left doesn`t mean to say there wrong.
On this site I find people react to arguments through prejadice rather than anything else.
Posted by: Jack Stone | March 11, 2007 at 16:57
"Just because a lot of enviromentalists and those warning about global warming are on the left doesn`t mean to say there wrong."
Indeed. Not that you would regard those on the political left as being wrong about anything.
Posted by: Sean Fear | March 11, 2007 at 17:00
avoid Gore look up his history and you'll know why
Posted by: wilf proudfoot | March 11, 2007 at 18:00
Avoid Gore look up his history and you'll know why
Posted by: wilf proudfoot | March 11, 2007 at 18:02
Channel 4 presents
Great Global Warming Swindle
Posted by: TomTom | March 11, 2007 at 18:09
are I suspect the same people who believe smoking isn`t dangerous, the earth is flat and there is a man in the moon.
Care to offer any evidence for your hallicinatory assertions or do you just have these flashes of dementia ?
Posted by: ToMTom | March 11, 2007 at 18:11
Click here to buy the DVD of "The Great Global Warming Swindle". Lord Lawson is excellent. It debunks the nonsense of Zac "no scientific qualifications" Goldsmith and his cronies". At only only a tenner it is a bargain!!
Posted by: thatcherite | March 11, 2007 at 19:02
"Al Gore" Groan.
Posted by: groan | March 11, 2007 at 19:18
Jack Stone: All parties should listen to the full spectrum of opinion and then come to a conclussion about what needs to be again.We should not be afraid to listen to friends and enemies alike.
So, you'll be inviting Nick Griffin and the BNP round for a chat, will you?
Posted by: William Norton | March 11, 2007 at 19:21
Brilliant post at 19.18 Groan. Did you spend a long time thinking that one up?
Posted by: malcolm | March 11, 2007 at 19:25
Al and Dave can swap hypocrisy stories - Dave's chauffeur-and-bike story and Al's massive home energy bills!
Posted by: Umbrella Man | March 11, 2007 at 20:20
Green ties,green taxes but no scientific credentials.
Posted by: michael mcgough | March 11, 2007 at 23:47
No doubt the EU Environment Commissar will be a guest.....funny how Labour got Clinton and the Tories get his deputy, Al Bore
Posted by: TomTom | March 12, 2007 at 07:59
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Posted by: Barney York | December 21, 2007 at 13:16