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Ryan Paul, CF Area Chair for CF in North Wales recently entered the blogging arena with his blog www.paul-rogers.blogspot.com, his charismatic approach to politics and the respect among CFers in North Walesas well as party officials (AMs etc) and determnation second to no one in my opinion shows he is one to watch in 2007.

Tory Radio
Prague Tory
Dizzy Thinks

I think Cranmer.

He's Conservative with a difference, and came in Ian Dale's Top 10. You only have to read his post highlighting Paul Goodman's speech on Islam to realise he understands what lies behind the politics. He also writes very well.

www.paul-rogers.blogspot.com certainly provides knowledge, entertainment and criticism with a Welsh backdrop, an area of the Conservative Party often overlooked.

I'd recommend:

A Young Conservative (http://a-young-conservative.blogspot.com/)

and I also really like Esther McVey's blog at:


perhaps a little too new, but you should also look out for Richard Booth, our 18 year old council candidate in Wimborne:


1.Dizzy Thinks
2.The New Culture Forum
3.Tory Radio

My top three. Happy New Year

Paul Ryan, CF Chair for North Wales, works really hard for a hard area to win over! He also has a large area to cover and I think does a really good job of running North Wales CF! Keeps all CF members in North Wales well informed and talks to them not only as CF members but also as friends.

Following deep thought and so many excellent blogs out there, I think Dylan Jones Evans of Aberconwy, North Wales clearly has a very interesting blog and will be the one to watch in the future - http://www.aberconwy.blogspot.com/.

His educational, business and political work place his blog in firm position for this award.

Like the new nomination categories. Gives much more scope for bloggers who "do it in their spare time" to be recognised -- as opposed to those who should be doing it as part of their job (such as MPs dare I say).

There are three bloggers that have really grown on me in the last year, who I would love to get an award. In no particular order.

Ellee Seymour - not always political - but thats what appeals. Always something great to read from an interesting perspective.

Dizzy Thinks - absolutely superb - very well written, amusing, often cutting, but always worth a look.

Prague Tory - where does he get his energy from. Remind me not to get on the wrong side of him once he has the bit between his teeth.

He's just hit his 800th post, but Croydonian was born in 2006. Continues to scale new heights re comments per day and is more responsive than most successful bloggers. Whether judged by popularity, fluency, breadth or loyalty to the Conservative cause a strong case can be made for the man south of the river. I'd like to nominate him for this award.

Tory Radio

I second PragueTory on Croydonian.


Prague Tory

Again I;d go for Birm Uni CF - http://bucf.wordpress.com Set up in 2006 from nearly nothing and now making a hit in the Birmingham Area through their influential blog.

I'd like to mention the wonderful London Salmon blog http://londonsalmon.typepad.com/ - a fascinating insight into the general twilight zone of the GLA.

The mighty PragueTory for me. A cracking blog.

He has only been going a couple of months, but I think Paul Bristow's blog has been very impressive so far:


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