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Councillor Kevin Davis from Kingston-upon-Thames. He understands how to fight the Liberal Dumocrats.

I think Kevin Davis is a good guy, and his blog is good, but I would query his campaigning expertise against LibDems given he lost his (fairly safe) council seat to them this May!

I nominate Nick King for his excellent use of his blog to keep his constituents up to date with his activites and the events in and out of council which relate to Littledown.


Ah, bit of a 'love in' going on here between Will and I (see my post on the Young Conservative blog nominations).

In fact I would nominate Jeremy Moulton in Southampton who does an excellent job keeping his residents in Freemantle up to date.


My nomination is not a tory blog, just an anti-council one.

It has to be Greenwich Watch, at http://greenwichwatch.blogspot.com, mainly for the scoop about the casino report being faked by AEG.

I propose councillor Ian Lindley's blog. More prolific than almost any other Tory councillor's blog and some cool features.

I'll vote for Cllr Gavin Ayling. http://gavinayling.blogspot.com/

I nominate Robert Rams' Blog.

I'd like to nominate Cllr Leah Fraser's excellent community blog at http://www.leahfraser.co.uk/

I'll also propose Leah Fraser's blog site.

I 'd like to nominate Robin Millar's blog -Once you see it, nothing more needs to be said! Really in touch with Newmarket and the surrounding community.


Robin Millar's blog at



Robin Millar--Newmarket--allsaintsgazette.wordpress.com

Always concise dealing with the real issues and transparent where improvement is needed.

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