Read David Cameron's full speech (4200 words) here.
"We must not allow the security of this country to become a political football – either between the parties or within the parties. That does not mean avoiding debate or promoting fake consensus. But it does mean avoiding the temptation to use national security as a political positioning exercise – an attempt to portray one side as being “tougher” than the other… whether it’s one side in a general election, or one side in a leadership
election. A strong and steady approach puts security first, politics second. Putting politics before security leads to an approach that is hasty and hysterical - and that can never be in the national interest."
Deputy Editor
Definitely need a Minister for National Security. The Home Office is struggling in almost every area - we can't afford to muddle the domestic problems with prisons, immigration etc with the need to properly manage the threat from terrorism.
24 hour border controls is another must - we can't go on accepting a situation where the government has no idea who is in our country at any time!
I didn't realise before that Coast Guards did not have authority to board a boat that is causing suspicion. Extending their powers is an interesting idea worth pursuing.
Posted by: Andrea Leadsom | November 22, 2006 at 22:53
Pudsey Open Primary has selected Stuart Andrew
Posted by: stuart andrew | November 23, 2006 at 00:34
Word doc is evil - what about Adobe PdF or Open Office.............DOC is a virus host
Posted by: ToMtom | November 23, 2006 at 09:36
Yes, please make it into PDF.
Posted by: jorgen | November 23, 2006 at 13:51
If we can't get PDF, how about plain text?
Posted by: jorgen | November 23, 2006 at 17:21