Controversial... but if your talking about the 'public face' of the party, people that the general public are most influenced by (rather than internally), I think Boris Johnson could scrape in you know.
Internally I'm not so sure, things are developing quickly and its hard to see who is really influencing, but Willetts is a contender for his input to policy.
Media - I would say the Times Editor (or more specifically Mogg?), that paper, despite the owners public comments, is doing a great job of highlighting the failure of Labour (and by heavy implication, our potential as a Governments if we get our act together).
Then, of course, there are the old guard - but which ones are punching with weight I wouldn't really know. The CCHQ insiders might get that type of gossip.
Then there are those in the Cameron Camp... Steve Hilton included...
Hans-Gert Pottering, leader of the EPP in the European Parliament and almost certainly next EP President, could make the top three most influential people in the present Conservative Party!
Influential in what sense exactly? In terms of policy creation, Iain and Tim are I would have though been less likely to feature highly than in terms of influencing the membership.
Lord Ashcroft would have to be pretty high on the list along with David Cameron.
Judging by the way that the recent changes to Candidate Selection procedures were announced and introduced I don't think that there actually are 50 influential people in the Party anymore. We seem to be being led, or is that dragged, by only a few inner clique people at best.
As well as the obvious candidates, I would suggest Roger Pratt. He did an excellent job arguing our case at the Boundary Review and this sort of nuts and bolts politics is hugely important in winning elections. The inherent bias in the system towards Labour would have been substantially worse without him.
"At the next election Labour is bracing itself for a tight contest in which it will be defending dozens of “super-marginals” where victories were often wafer-thin. In the last review ten years ago, Labour officials — led by the legendary elections expert, “Mystic Greg” Cook — were commonly accepted to have run rings around their Tory counterparts. But this time Mr Cook has faced stiffer opposition from Roger Pratt, the Conservative representative at dozens of public inquiries where seats are sliced up and thousands of voters shifted from one area to another. Mr Pratt is understood to have persuaded Tory MPs to work with each other rather than seeking to fatten their own majorities at the expense of marginals."
Again it really does come down to what we mean by influential. Roger Pratt may be good at his job - but isnt he a party employee - hardly hugely influential I would have thought?
can't believe no one has mentioned Letwin. Thats the man in charge of the Policy reviews and he is working behind the scenes on all of them. When the policies come out they will have his fingerprints
It is a combination of the leader, his office, shadow cabinet, parliamentary party, CCHQ, donors, Lords, MEPs, London/Scottish/Welsh/Irish Party, Think Tank wonks and Big Beasts.
I think we're forgetting that little lady from Grantham; M Thatcher. Although no longer active, her shadow still casts an enormous shadow over the party.
How come nobody else can agree that Herr Pottering of the EPP must count?
Too uncomfortable a concept to consider perhaps?
After all it was he that made Mr Cameron renege on his one clear leadership campaign commitment and thus rendered him both unbelievable and probably unelectable.
Maybe contributors to this forum prefer to blame Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, rather than President Pottering, for the enforced volte-face - well fine add them to the 'Conservative' influential list.
Where will the Tories biggest guaranteed actual income be produced this year? From the EU of course! Wake up to the facts for heavens sake.
The list of names implies that Britain's main opposition party is now solely concerned with the 30 per cent legislation that now comes from Westminster. Surely those interested enough in politics to comment in this forum can perceive the futility of the debate in which they are engaged?
At least Tapestry has recognised the importance of the MEPs, although by naming them he overlooks the reality of the anti-democratic party list system, the 'dog licence' problem once brutally brought home by Harold Wilson and illustrated today by Daniel Hannan as posted on my blog as ever unlinked from this site.
The main political parties in the UK are so debased that influence within them will remain an irrelevance until a leader of principle might be found.
I think a lot of the above make the list but for me, apart from David Cameron who occupies the #1 slot in this list, the two that have significantly altered the Tories, and the perception of the Tories, in the immediate past have to be Zac Goldsmith (I work as Blog Manager for the Ecologist but said it before that bit of work started) and Bob G.
Like any good a-lister Louise Bagshawe mentions Roger Pratt - but his influence over A-Listers does not extend beyond the candidates list.
IMHO he did not perform particularly at Boundary Commission hearings - he was far too easily swayed by the self interest of MPs which is not the same as the broader interest of the Conservative Party.
Eustice shouldn't be on the list. He is a hard working "useful idiot" being employed because Hilton doesn't want a controversial, hard-hitting press chief. He doesn't have any "influence" just does as he is told.
From where I'm sitting, I'm sorry to say Tim and Mr Dale aren't as influential as they should be.
It's got to be Dave's inner circle hasn't it? IE Osborne, Maude, Hilton, Gove, Eustice, Llewellyn, Vaizey, Boles...and now Ashcroft. (see first half of this for other names- )
It makes you wonder who does pull the strings in the Conservative Party. Certainly someone or some group that are hell bent on the European Union. Every time we get a new Leader you would think they were given an EU injection. There is something awful at the top, that appears to have horrendous influence.
What about Edward Leigh and the Cornerstoners? They were pretty influential throughout the leadership election and work hard to try to push their agenda when they can.
Interesting point about Thatcher. Cameron deliberately trying to avoid her history and in some cases flatly disagreeing with her. It shows an influence on policy and Cameron. She should be in the top 50.
Sorry I should elaborate...what I mean to say is that everyone is talking about who is influential on the leadership of the party, when the party is more than just the leadership. There are all sorts of different strands of Conservative thinking, and I reckon the Cornerstone group have done a good job making themselves heard over the last couple years.
No, that was a good point Kristan. Im sure Cornerstone will appear. I know their recent pamphlets have been attracting attention from some of us posters, though sadly not quite enough from the leadership...
Surprised to see no mention so far of Danny Kruger, Cameron's new special adviser/speechwriter and formerly Telegraph comment editor (and Old Etonian to boot!)
- If you are correct and Dougie Smith is really the fourth most influential person in the Tory party - well we might as well give up now.
Half Broon...
I am a great fan of Robert Halfon - but how exactly is he influential? As political director of Conservative Friends of Israel - the CFI outlook (which I share) does not exactly rule the roost in the modern conservative party.
Commons: David Cameron (as leader he is naturally most influential on himself, pedantic to say but true and as Leader of the Opposition he actually has more influence on the government than some Labour backbenchers and will get more media attention than most other MP's), George Osbourne, Francis Maude, William Hague, John Redwood, Ed Vaizey, Michael Gove, Kenneth Clarke, Michael Ancram, Theresa May, David Davis, Julie Kirkbride, Iain Duncan-Smith
Lords: Margaret Thatcher and Norman Tebbit (albeit more that the current Conservative leadership continues what they say to be something to be avoided in the main, a lot of people still are influenced by anything they say), Strathclyde, Michael Hestletine, Chris Patten, Mackay of Clashfern (not so well known publicly these days but remains a well respected former Lord Chancellor).
Outside parliament: Stephen Norris, Michael Portillo, Louise Bagshaw, Ruth Lea, Mary Ann Sieghart, Priti Patel, Michael Ashcroft, John Major, Frederick Forsyth (certainly his novels influence people's views and the media actively seek his views and ask him to appear on political programmes), Gyles Brandreth, Matthew Parris, Melanie Phillips, Tim Montgomerie
Dead: Winston Churchill, Edward Heath, Rab Butler, Keith Joseph, Enoch Powell (controversial but not only influential in his day but since his death in a number of circles), Dennis Wheatley
Wasn't Justin Hinchcliffe the YC who got loads of great press publicity at the Conservative Conference with an emotional call for the return of hanging and flogging?
There can't be two Tories with a name like that. I remember he got so excited at the thought of all those dangling felons he had trouble finishing his speech.
Sadly, his commendable efforts do not appear to have been very "influential".
Margaret Thatcher does have an influence over the Conservative Party but I think to a bad effect in that she was such an outstanding Prime Minsiter and brought such success to the party and the country that people tend to look backwards far to much and tend to want to replay tha past where we should be looking forward to tommorrow as her policies were for her time not this time ad the future as the battles she fought are not the battles the party have to fight now.
It may not be a single person but the Con Home website is highly influential - probably more so than Conservative Associations or the Board of the Party.
the battles she fought are not the battles the party have to fight now.
Better to stand and fight battles with our enemies than to run up the white flag and surrender to socialism on terms dictated by the Blairites and their Fifth Column within our party.
That's exactly what the "Modernisers" would have us do.
Margaret Thatcher is the one great guiding light of modern Conservatism. Personally I have always thought that she should have renamed the Conservative Party the Thatcherite Party.
It would have prevented the kind of heresy we have to put up with today.
"Wasn't Justin Hinchcliffe the YC who got loads of great press publicity at the Conservative Conference with an emotional call for the return of hanging and flogging?
There can't be two Tories with a name like that. I remember he got so excited at the thought of all those dangling felons he had trouble finishing his speech.
Sadly, his commendable efforts do not appear to have been very "influential".
So far..."
No me, sorry. I'll be getting the blame for September 11 next... :-(
Malvolio at 10am. Much better to fight ourselves than our enemies seems to be how I read your post. Please correct me, or do you want to stay in opposition.
I suspect, Ben, that the point Malvolio is trying to make is that we have enemies without and enemies within.
I was no admirer of Iain Duncan Smith, but the wretched man found out the truth of this all too soon. Perhaps he should have remained loyal to his own best friends.
It took the great Margaret Thatcher rather longer, but she too was betrayed by disloyal elements within her own party.
Are you seriously trying to suggest that there are no betrayers within our party today?
Monday Clubber I think the point I was trying to make is that people don't vote for clearly divided parties. Thus when Mrs Thatcher was stabbed in the back the bloodletting that followed during John Major's premiership meant that we lost disastrously in 1997. I want to see a Conservative Government, but I think that some members are still too interested in fighting ourselves than fighting Labour or the Yellow Scum.
Mind you if you think the Daily Mail embodies the soul of the Conservative Party I am concerned. I tend to think of it as our reactionary past. A bit like Mr Blair regards the Tribune.
Mind you if you think the Daily Mail embodies the soul of the Conservative Party I am concerned. I tend to think of it as our reactionary past. A bit like Mr Blair regards the Tribune
Well Ben, the Daily Mail is Tory and highly successful.
Seems you are neither.
You previously treated us to a rundown on your local Conservative Association which sounded pretty typical to me. Very similar to mine in outlook and age profile.
How many of your colleagues would agree with your odd ideas about the Daily Mail?
Malvolio, please google me, I post under my real name - maybe you could so we would know where you are coming from, instead of some bizarre obsession with Shakespeare. That will stop your consistent accusation that I'm not a Conservative, something I find very bizarre.
Most of the members I speak to read the Daily Telegraph more than the Daily Mail, which I think of more as a rag than a newspaper. I don't think it is actually Tory or that it has a basic philosophy. It tends to go for sheer populist headline grabbing stuff, great from a newspaper sales technique, hence the heavy advertising spend, but not great for a political party. Populism without principles is Tony Blair's main difference with David Cameron - at least the Conservatives are popular AND principled!
I won't treat you to an update on the views of many of my association on this website. NetRoots aren't entirely popular when newspapers quote the most reactionary people they can find, usually out of context!
My association tends to be rather loyalist, and consequently would rather any concerns or dirty linen is washed in private, rather than plastered over the web.
I don't understand why so many people seem to have a problem with the Green stuff. If your association is similar to mine, then many people must be telling you how much they like being ahead in the polls? You must also notice how many new members your latest membership recruitment got? Or how many events are selling out much quicker? The party is looking like a winner again, and the recovery is going well. I don't get where the people on here that do it down are coming from? Maybe those that 'attack' the leader are actually NuLab moles...
...actually I know they're not because many of the names I recognise from the loyalty calls issued by them under IDS. Shame they can't stay loyal themselves.
I've googled you Ben Redsell and I see that after a brief spell in the party you have already become a councillor.
In other words, unlike most of us, you are already deriving remuneration from your membership. I certainly don't doubt you are a member - you seem to fit a "type" and you may very well be hoping for a further career. I've noticed that many of those who are keen to ditch Conservative principles in favour of Labour ones fit this pattern of self-interest.
When I first joined the party councillors were not paid and they were all local businessmen of substance. Now we seem to have a mixture of the 'bedsit brigade' and yuppie types who think there's something in it for them. Most of them are deluding themselves - hence a high turnover.
David Cameron and his Notting Hill set have recently been described as a "principle- free zone', so you're pretty wide of the mark there. Cameron made only one promise - get us out of the EPP - and he broke it. No more need be said.
As for my local association and the one next door, recent events have been no better attended than they were a couple of years ago, but a couple of long-standing senior members have resigned and joined UKIP over Cameron. Anyway, when we have had occasional newcomers in recent years they usually find it difficult to fit in.
I read the Daily Telegraph, as it happens, and it is all the better for Simon Heffer's trenchant views on Cameron and the state of the party. However. if the Mail's views were not extremely popular it would not sell as well as it does. It is the voice of the silent - Conservative - majority.
Let me tell you Mr Redsell that when I joined (a very long time before 1995 or whenever it was you turned up) my association was FIVE times the size it is now. Every year we used to run a huge Christmas Bazaar (always opened by a major figure - Selwyn Lloyd the week I joined) It's totally impossible to get the support for an even like that now.
How dare you suggest that people who attack Cameron are Labour moles. I didn't vote for Cameron, I never wanted him, and I eagerly look forward to the day of his departure.
Malvolio, please google me, I post under my real name - maybe you could so we would know where you are coming from
Ben it's very easy to post under your own name when you do nothing but parrot the current party line.
The last time I was foolish enough to use my own name and mention my association was when IDS was leader and I stated my opinion of him on some Tory-orientated bulletin board.
The result was an irate letter to my chairman from some ridiculous blimp. As the chairman happens to be my brother-in-law we simply had a good laugh about it, but things could have been different.
Tony Barton - after a brief spell you became a councillor. Tony, I'm 27. I've been in the party since I was 18. Sorry, but when I joined the minimum age was 18. I became a Councillor to try to make a difference because the dreadful Labour/Lib Dem council was destroying my beautiful county. Just like this ghastly Government is destroying my beautiful country.
I don't see how working for the good of my electorate is ditching Conservative principles. I am not arguing against lower taxation or more private involvement in Health. Actually I'd welcome it. But what I am saying is that it is playing into the enemies hands (and my enemy is ALWAYS red or yellow) to argue amongst ourselves when the policy commissions haven't yet reported.
The time for a rigorous policy debate will be when we actually see what the proposals are in full. It seems ridiculous to try and rip the leadership apart when we don't yet know where they are taking us (apart from back into Government) except in broad strokes.
Who described DC as a principle free zone? Someone why knows him or someone who dislikes him? Or was it Ed Boll*cks (sorry, Balls)?
The EPP promise will be fulfilled. I agree it is hardly ideal to have to wait until God knows when, and the fudge is unfortunate. But it was a promise that he couldn't deliver on even if he wanted to when he made it. I'm not sure he knew this at the time. I too hope that it is kept, and that some alternative centre right grouping can be created, to avoid us joining UKIP/BNP in the far right grouping - imagine what Labour's spin machine could do with that.
You admit that you don't make newcomers welcome in your CA. Hardly surprising that numbers are therefore falling. They shouldn't have to fit in with you. You should do more to make them welcome. That is why our numbers are rising.
You are aware that by voting UKIP/BNP people are letting Labour have a fourth term, aren't you. 14500 votes short of Labour having no majority? Sound familiar?
Simon Heffer is the reason I no longer read the Telegraph as gospel. I can't bear traitors and his jumping ship to UKIP/BNP who want a fourth term Labour Government disgusts me. I managed to stay loyal under IDS, even though there were times I felt we were too far right. Others should now repay that loyalty.
I agree that the Mail's veiws are popular, indeed I said they were populist. However they are frequently contradictory - no more immigrants, unless they are from Zimbabwe for example. I don't happen to think the Mail has any views at all, just a desire to sell newspapers. So it appeals to the base populism inherent in all of us, to our prejudices and contradictions. That isn't Conservatism. It is also interventionist. Far too often it is proclaiming that 'something must be done.'
Party memberships are much smaller than they were when you joined - across the board people don't belong to organisations any more. The decline in membership of the Conservative Party over the last 20 years is slightly better than the decline for organisations like the RSPB. Not a great deal in it, and certainly NOT linked to DC.
You didn't vote for DC, didn't want him, and say you can't wait for him to go. Do you want to stay in opposition? We haven't led like this so consistently in the polls since Mrs Thatcher. Even when the Labour party were in meltdown in the run up to the election, or shortly afterwards last year Michael Howard never had these poll leads! David has transformed the party from potential opposition to the next Government.
I maintain that if we lose DC, we lose the lead.
Malvolio, I have no doubt that you are right, and that there are staff at CCHQ hanging on every word you say, ready to pounce and eject you from the party if you admit who you are. Or maybe you are just a little bit paranoid and egotistical?
Simon Heffer has no time at all for the BNP and I suspect that what you are suggesting is probably libellous.
Not only that but UKIP and the BNP are 2 distinct parties, UKIP is no more the BNP than Labour or the Conservative or Liberal Democrat parties are and as for a 14,500 Labour majority, well if UKIP really got so many votes that they actually stopped the Conservative Party taking that seat then they themselves must have a good chance in winning it, even several thousand votes less and a 7,500 majority is still really a sizeable majority to overturn. Equally UKIP could say that the Conservative Party were preventing them from taking seats.
14500 votes short of Labour having no majority?
Actually I've just realised I misread that and you were referring to all the seats not just one, however UKIP's support mostly was strongest in safe Conservative seats, this is why UKIP struggle to get MP's - the Liberal Party on only marginally higher percentages in the 1950's had 6 MP's, but even if UKIP hadn't stood and assuming that all ther UKIP vote woud have been Conservative otherwise then Labour would still have won a majority, the fact is that every election the redistribution of thousands of votes in a few seats would make a huge difference to numbers of seats but things just don't work out like that, it's like saying that if one runner ran 1Mph faster that they would have won a race when they actually came 4th or something, people don't vote en masse they vote seperately and so inevitably there will be votes making no difference in safe seats at the same time that votes shift in maybe 34 marginals (were all of the ones referred ones where the Conservatives were best placed to win, Salma Yaqoob wasn't far off winning a seat for Respect and some will have been Liberal Democrat or SNP prospects).
Would love to see how many of these people who won't use their real names would dare to make their nasty little comments to the faces of those they criticise!
It's a sad reflection on the state of our Party that no one seems to have mentioned anyone from the voluntary Party as being influential within the party - no mention of any President, Chair or vice Chairs of National Convention or the leader of the CWO or CF. Probably a fair reflection, but sad, of the fact that influential people in our Party are the Central Office folks or the Parliamentarians. The third pillar of our Party - the voluntary party - seems to be viewed (if these comments are right) as having little influence.
Labour officials — led by the legendary elections expert, “Mystic Greg” Cook — were commonly accepted to have run rings around their Tory counterparts.
Norman Fowler back then as a Secretary of State and Chairman of the Conservative Party thought the Boundary Review was a diversion, he was influential in those days - that said though Labour would still have had massive majorities in 1997 and 2001 even if the Conservatives had been working with a strategic central plan rather than as if they were Independents, and Labour would still have won in 2005, although it would have been closer.
Presumably there is some reason for having lists of the most influential? Surely there was a problem with the question to some extent in that it was left open to interpretation as to what it was they were influential on.
Would love to see how many of these people who won't use their real names would dare to make their nasty little comments to the faces of those they criticise!
I think Ben was using his real name when he slagged off Simon Heffer, Laura.
To start things off, Steve Hilton would come in my top fifty.
Posted by: Jonathan Sheppard | September 01, 2006 at 17:59
Tony Blair, judging by some of the current "policies"
Posted by: Malvolio | September 01, 2006 at 18:02
David Cameron for starters.
Posted by: Richard | September 01, 2006 at 18:05
I think our Editor, Tim, would actually feature. Not being sychopantic but he does lead opinion and is lifting the lid on the murky workings of CCO.
Posted by: David Walker | September 01, 2006 at 18:11
Osbourbe, unfortunately.
Posted by: hf | September 01, 2006 at 18:12
George or Ozzie?
(Anything's possible these days)
Posted by: Malvolio | September 01, 2006 at 18:16
The name's Osborne, George Osborne. No U...
Iain Duncan Smith has to be on the list. Does drugs count as a person? Its the only explanation for some of the new policies...
Posted by: James Maskell | September 01, 2006 at 18:17
Tim Montgomerie (/Sam Coates) and Iain Dale would surely make the list.
Francis Maude must be right up there.
Posted by: Matthew Kellett | September 01, 2006 at 18:17
Controversial... but if your talking about the 'public face' of the party, people that the general public are most influenced by (rather than internally), I think Boris Johnson could scrape in you know.
Internally I'm not so sure, things are developing quickly and its hard to see who is really influencing, but Willetts is a contender for his input to policy.
Media - I would say the Times Editor (or more specifically Mogg?), that paper, despite the owners public comments, is doing a great job of highlighting the failure of Labour (and by heavy implication, our potential as a Governments if we get our act together).
Then, of course, there are the old guard - but which ones are punching with weight I wouldn't really know. The CCHQ insiders might get that type of gossip.
Then there are those in the Cameron Camp... Steve Hilton included...
Posted by: Oberon Houston | September 01, 2006 at 18:17
Interesting, but what level of influence does Lord Harris of Peckham really have???
Posted by: Oberon Houston | September 01, 2006 at 18:20
The Notting Hill set.
Posted by: esbonio | September 01, 2006 at 18:30
Nottingh Hill set - hardly specific - in fact meaningless - so who do you mean?
Posted by: Anon | September 01, 2006 at 18:32
Added to my first suggestion of Steve Hilton would be:-
Michael Howard (close to DC)
Michael Gove
Ed Vaizey
Lord Ashcroft
George Osborne (as others have nominated)
William Hague
I would also back up the view of Tim Montgomerie and Iain Dale as being influential
Posted by: Jonathan Sheppard | September 01, 2006 at 18:36
Grant Schapps
Posted by: wasp | September 01, 2006 at 18:41
Hans-Gert Pottering, leader of the EPP in the European Parliament and almost certainly next EP President, could make the top three most influential people in the present Conservative Party!
Posted by: Martin Cole | September 01, 2006 at 18:42
Influential in what sense exactly? In terms of policy creation, Iain and Tim are I would have though been less likely to feature highly than in terms of influencing the membership.
Lord Ashcroft would have to be pretty high on the list along with David Cameron.
Posted by: Chris Palmer | September 01, 2006 at 18:42
Is it the cast of 'Sock Puppet Theatre'?
Posted by: David Banks | September 01, 2006 at 18:48
Not those in CRD - thank heavens!
Posted by: Ed Ramsay | September 01, 2006 at 18:54
Judging by the way that the recent changes to Candidate Selection procedures were announced and introduced I don't think that there actually are 50 influential people in the Party anymore. We seem to be being led, or is that dragged, by only a few inner clique people at best.
Posted by: Matt Davis | September 01, 2006 at 18:55
Definitely The Notting Hill set.
Plus the "Mincing Metrosexual"
Posted by: Malvolio | September 01, 2006 at 18:55
As well as the obvious candidates, I would suggest Roger Pratt. He did an excellent job arguing our case at the Boundary Review and this sort of nuts and bolts politics is hugely important in winning elections. The inherent bias in the system towards Labour would have been substantially worse without him.
Posted by: Louise Bagshawe | September 01, 2006 at 18:56
And how about Doogie Smith. Haven't seen him since my FCS days but I hear he writes David Cameron's speeches.
Aye! Aye! Doogie. Och the noo! I bet you're not a member of the Monday Club any more.
Posted by: Malvolio | September 01, 2006 at 18:59,,2-1615578,00.html
"At the next election Labour is bracing itself for a tight contest in which it will be defending dozens of “super-marginals” where victories were often wafer-thin. In the last review ten years ago, Labour officials — led by the legendary elections expert, “Mystic Greg” Cook — were commonly accepted to have run rings around their Tory counterparts. But this time Mr Cook has faced stiffer opposition from Roger Pratt, the Conservative representative at dozens of public inquiries where seats are sliced up and thousands of voters shifted from one area to another. Mr Pratt is understood to have persuaded Tory MPs to work with each other rather than seeking to fatten their own majorities at the expense of marginals."
Posted by: Louise Bagshawe | September 01, 2006 at 19:01
Again it really does come down to what we mean by influential. Roger Pratt may be good at his job - but isnt he a party employee - hardly hugely influential I would have thought?
Posted by: Anon | September 01, 2006 at 19:03
Guido anyone??
Posted by: Andrew Woodman | September 01, 2006 at 19:08
How about
1) Louise Bagshawe A List Bonkbuster Queen
2) Doug Smith Fever Bustbonker King
3) Ena Gubbins BEM aged 99 last remaining Tory in South Wales.
Posted by: Fever Party Animal | September 01, 2006 at 19:09
Tim should be there.
But I can't help but think that this is an attempt to boost his own ego as he shuffles into his late 30s. Come on Tim admit it.
Posted by: Thomas Hobbes | September 01, 2006 at 19:13
top 10
1.steve hilton
3.william hague
4.francis maude
5.boris johnson
6.michael gove
7.david davis(does gd work)
8. ken clarke
9. annabel goldie
10. george osborne
Posted by: ewan mcqueen | September 01, 2006 at 19:14
Not sure you could classify Guido as being a Tory?
Posted by: Jonathan Sheppard | September 01, 2006 at 19:15
can't believe no one has mentioned Letwin. Thats the man in charge of the Policy reviews and he is working behind the scenes on all of them. When the policies come out they will have his fingerprints
Posted by: Jimbo Jones | September 01, 2006 at 19:18
Daniel Hannan, Roger Helmer, Owen Paterson, John Redwood.
Posted by: Tapestry | September 01, 2006 at 19:20
Zac Goldsmith
Posted by: Daniel Vince-Archer | September 01, 2006 at 19:25
Stuart Wheeler
Posted by: Paul Kennedy | September 01, 2006 at 19:28
Mrs Cameron perhaps. ;)
Posted by: Paul Kennedy | September 01, 2006 at 19:35
Bob Geldof
(So what's happened to him???)
Posted by: Malvolio | September 01, 2006 at 19:36
If you think the term is meaningless I suggest you search it youself.
Posted by: esbonio | September 01, 2006 at 19:53
It is a combination of the leader, his office, shadow cabinet, parliamentary party, CCHQ, donors, Lords, MEPs, London/Scottish/Welsh/Irish Party, Think Tank wonks and Big Beasts.
Cameron, Hilton, Davis, Maude, Hague, Osbourne, May, Willetts, Gove, McLoughlin, Kirkhope, Goldie, Bourne, Olorenshaw, Barnes, Clarke, IDS, Thatcher, Major, Strathclyde, Letwin, Wheeler, Harris, Berkley etc etc
Posted by: Cllr Antony Little | September 01, 2006 at 20:07
I think we're forgetting that little lady from Grantham; M Thatcher. Although no longer active, her shadow still casts an enormous shadow over the party.
Posted by: j-Green | September 01, 2006 at 21:03
How come nobody else can agree that Herr Pottering of the EPP must count?
Too uncomfortable a concept to consider perhaps?
After all it was he that made Mr Cameron renege on his one clear leadership campaign commitment and thus rendered him both unbelievable and probably unelectable.
Maybe contributors to this forum prefer to blame Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel, rather than President Pottering, for the enforced volte-face - well fine add them to the 'Conservative' influential list.
Where will the Tories biggest guaranteed actual income be produced this year? From the EU of course! Wake up to the facts for heavens sake.
The list of names implies that Britain's main opposition party is now solely concerned with the 30 per cent legislation that now comes from Westminster. Surely those interested enough in politics to comment in this forum can perceive the futility of the debate in which they are engaged?
At least Tapestry has recognised the importance of the MEPs, although by naming them he overlooks the reality of the anti-democratic party list system, the 'dog licence' problem once brutally brought home by Harold Wilson and illustrated today by Daniel Hannan as posted on my blog as ever unlinked from this site.
The main political parties in the UK are so debased that influence within them will remain an irrelevance until a leader of principle might be found.
Posted by: Martin Cole | September 01, 2006 at 21:05
I think a lot of the above make the list but for me, apart from David Cameron who occupies the #1 slot in this list, the two that have significantly altered the Tories, and the perception of the Tories, in the immediate past have to be Zac Goldsmith (I work as Blog Manager for the Ecologist but said it before that bit of work started) and Bob G.
Posted by: Al | September 01, 2006 at 21:05
1. Cameron
2. Hilton
3. Gove
4. Smith
5. Osbourne
6. Eustice
7. Llewellyn
8. Ashcroft
9. Maude
10. McLoughlin
11. Howard
12. Ritchie
13. Boles
14. Marland
15. Hague
16. Davis
17. Fox
18. Mackay
19. Willets
20. Montgomery
top 20 in that order....
Posted by: Hmmmm | September 01, 2006 at 21:12
Like any good a-lister Louise Bagshawe mentions Roger Pratt - but his influence over A-Listers does not extend beyond the candidates list.
IMHO he did not perform particularly at Boundary Commission hearings - he was far too easily swayed by the self interest of MPs which is not the same as the broader interest of the Conservative Party.
Posted by: Old Hack | September 01, 2006 at 21:29
Eustice shouldn't be on the list. He is a hard working "useful idiot" being employed because Hilton doesn't want a controversial, hard-hitting press chief. He doesn't have any "influence" just does as he is told.
Posted by: lurkio | September 01, 2006 at 21:32
How about me - I have been known to get things down through senior figures (hubris of the year?).
Posted by: Justin Hinchcliffe | September 01, 2006 at 21:35
What about Daniel Vince Archer?
Posted by: David Banks | September 01, 2006 at 21:40
From where I'm sitting, I'm sorry to say Tim and Mr Dale aren't as influential as they should be.
It's got to be Dave's inner circle hasn't it? IE Osborne, Maude, Hilton, Gove, Eustice, Llewellyn, Vaizey, Boles...and now Ashcroft. (see first half of this for other names- )
Posted by: Wat Tyler | September 01, 2006 at 21:47
What about Robert Halfon?
Posted by: Half Broon | September 01, 2006 at 21:58
Lynton Crosby
Posted by: Thomas Hobbers | September 01, 2006 at 22:04
Lynton Crosby.
Who is Robert Halfon?
Posted by: Thomas Hobbes | September 01, 2006 at 22:05
It makes you wonder who does pull the strings in the Conservative Party. Certainly someone or some group that are hell bent on the European Union. Every time we get a new Leader you would think they were given an EU injection. There is something awful at the top, that appears to have horrendous influence.
Posted by: John Ashworth | September 01, 2006 at 22:08
Adam Rickett anyone??
Posted by: David Walker | September 01, 2006 at 22:12
What about Edward Leigh and the Cornerstoners? They were pretty influential throughout the leadership election and work hard to try to push their agenda when they can.
Posted by: Kristian Shanks | September 01, 2006 at 22:13
Interesting point about Thatcher. Cameron deliberately trying to avoid her history and in some cases flatly disagreeing with her. It shows an influence on policy and Cameron. She should be in the top 50.
Posted by: James Maskell | September 01, 2006 at 22:15
Sorry I should elaborate...what I mean to say is that everyone is talking about who is influential on the leadership of the party, when the party is more than just the leadership. There are all sorts of different strands of Conservative thinking, and I reckon the Cornerstone group have done a good job making themselves heard over the last couple years.
Posted by: Kristian Shanks | September 01, 2006 at 22:15
No, that was a good point Kristan. Im sure Cornerstone will appear. I know their recent pamphlets have been attracting attention from some of us posters, though sadly not quite enough from the leadership...
Posted by: James Maskell | September 01, 2006 at 22:29
Surprised to see no mention so far of Danny Kruger, Cameron's new special adviser/speechwriter and formerly Telegraph comment editor (and Old Etonian to boot!)
And what about Anne Jenkin?
Posted by: Edward Lennox | September 01, 2006 at 22:59
Campbell, A
Blair, A
Powell, J
Brown, G
Peace, Green
Posted by: Og | September 01, 2006 at 23:15
Steve Hilton
Catherine Fall
George Eustice
Fiona Melville
Tim Chetwin
Francis Maude
James McGrath
Lord Ashcroft
Lord Laidlaw
Rishi Saha
Posted by: Anon | September 01, 2006 at 23:48
- If you are correct and Dougie Smith is really the fourth most influential person in the Tory party - well we might as well give up now.
Half Broon...
I am a great fan of Robert Halfon - but how exactly is he influential? As political director of Conservative Friends of Israel - the CFI outlook (which I share) does not exactly rule the roost in the modern conservative party.
Posted by: Anon | September 02, 2006 at 00:03
Commons: David Cameron (as leader he is naturally most influential on himself, pedantic to say but true and as Leader of the Opposition he actually has more influence on the government than some Labour backbenchers and will get more media attention than most other MP's), George Osbourne, Francis Maude, William Hague, John Redwood, Ed Vaizey, Michael Gove, Kenneth Clarke, Michael Ancram, Theresa May, David Davis, Julie Kirkbride, Iain Duncan-Smith
Lords: Margaret Thatcher and Norman Tebbit (albeit more that the current Conservative leadership continues what they say to be something to be avoided in the main, a lot of people still are influenced by anything they say), Strathclyde, Michael Hestletine, Chris Patten, Mackay of Clashfern (not so well known publicly these days but remains a well respected former Lord Chancellor).
Outside parliament: Stephen Norris, Michael Portillo, Louise Bagshaw, Ruth Lea, Mary Ann Sieghart, Priti Patel, Michael Ashcroft, John Major, Frederick Forsyth (certainly his novels influence people's views and the media actively seek his views and ask him to appear on political programmes), Gyles Brandreth, Matthew Parris, Melanie Phillips, Tim Montgomerie
Dead: Winston Churchill, Edward Heath, Rab Butler, Keith Joseph, Enoch Powell (controversial but not only influential in his day but since his death in a number of circles), Dennis Wheatley
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | September 02, 2006 at 00:05
I'll have a pint of what Anon at 11.48 is on!
Posted by: Lurker | September 02, 2006 at 02:02
David Wall must be in the top 50 along with members of the MIC
Posted by: toryabc | September 02, 2006 at 02:02
Its hard to compose such a list when there's no policies to base it on
Posted by: TaxCutter | September 02, 2006 at 08:32
Wasn't Justin Hinchcliffe the YC who got loads of great press publicity at the Conservative Conference with an emotional call for the return of hanging and flogging?
There can't be two Tories with a name like that. I remember he got so excited at the thought of all those dangling felons he had trouble finishing his speech.
Sadly, his commendable efforts do not appear to have been very "influential".
So far...
Posted by: Hang 'em High! | September 02, 2006 at 09:20
Margaret Thatcher does have an influence over the Conservative Party but I think to a bad effect in that she was such an outstanding Prime Minsiter and brought such success to the party and the country that people tend to look backwards far to much and tend to want to replay tha past where we should be looking forward to tommorrow as her policies were for her time not this time ad the future as the battles she fought are not the battles the party have to fight now.
Posted by: Jack Stone | September 02, 2006 at 09:51
It may not be a single person but the Con Home website is highly influential - probably more so than Conservative Associations or the Board of the Party.
Posted by: Old Hack | September 02, 2006 at 09:54
the battles she fought are not the battles the party have to fight now.
Better to stand and fight battles with our enemies than to run up the white flag and surrender to socialism on terms dictated by the Blairites and their Fifth Column within our party.
That's exactly what the "Modernisers" would have us do.
Margaret Thatcher is the one great guiding light of modern Conservatism. Personally I have always thought that she should have renamed the Conservative Party the Thatcherite Party.
It would have prevented the kind of heresy we have to put up with today.
Posted by: Malvolio | September 02, 2006 at 10:00
Lord Bruce Lockhart of the Local Government Association and former Leader of Kent CC.
Posted by: CCHQ Spy | September 02, 2006 at 11:31
Is it , the wives of the top fifty MP's?
Posted by: David Banks | September 02, 2006 at 12:23
don't think that eustice is that influencial.
people have missed bridges, who is. also hilton's misses should get a shout.
anne jenkin too - she is behind so much, and knows everyone.
the great shame is that the taxpayers' alliance won't be on the list.
+ unfortunately maude will be there somewhere.
Posted by: anon | September 02, 2006 at 17:51
"Wasn't Justin Hinchcliffe the YC who got loads of great press publicity at the Conservative Conference with an emotional call for the return of hanging and flogging?
There can't be two Tories with a name like that. I remember he got so excited at the thought of all those dangling felons he had trouble finishing his speech.
Sadly, his commendable efforts do not appear to have been very "influential".
So far..."
No me, sorry. I'll be getting the blame for September 11 next... :-(
Posted by: Justin Hinchcliffe | September 02, 2006 at 18:29
No me, sorry. I'll be getting the blame for September 11 next... :-(
Well that's amazing. Maybe I'm going senile.
Didn't you make a big speech at Bournemouth/Blackpool when you were about 16?
Didn't I meet you at some YC dinner at the Blind Beggar in Whitechapel about 12 years ago?
Harry Phibbs was there. Everybody got smashed and never paid the wine bill?
Posted by: Malvolio | September 02, 2006 at 19:58
Malvolio at 10am. Much better to fight ourselves than our enemies seems to be how I read your post. Please correct me, or do you want to stay in opposition.
Posted by: Ben Redsell | September 02, 2006 at 20:20
I don't who the top 50 are, but all the lists above frighten the life out of me.
Posted by: Dick Wishart | September 02, 2006 at 20:36
I suspect, Ben, that the point Malvolio is trying to make is that we have enemies without and enemies within.
I was no admirer of Iain Duncan Smith, but the wretched man found out the truth of this all too soon. Perhaps he should have remained loyal to his own best friends.
It took the great Margaret Thatcher rather longer, but she too was betrayed by disloyal elements within her own party.
Are you seriously trying to suggest that there are no betrayers within our party today?
Posted by: Monday Clubber | September 02, 2006 at 21:12
Assuming he is a member, Paul Dacre should be in there somewhere.
Posted by: Michael Clarke,Chairman Northampton South | September 02, 2006 at 21:13
Yes indeed.
More than any other periodical, the Daily Mail truly embodies the soul of the Conservative Party.
Long may it prosper!
Posted by: Monday Clubber | September 02, 2006 at 21:16
Monday Clubber I think the point I was trying to make is that people don't vote for clearly divided parties. Thus when Mrs Thatcher was stabbed in the back the bloodletting that followed during John Major's premiership meant that we lost disastrously in 1997. I want to see a Conservative Government, but I think that some members are still too interested in fighting ourselves than fighting Labour or the Yellow Scum.
Mind you if you think the Daily Mail embodies the soul of the Conservative Party I am concerned. I tend to think of it as our reactionary past. A bit like Mr Blair regards the Tribune.
Posted by: Ben Redsell | September 02, 2006 at 21:58
Mind you if you think the Daily Mail embodies the soul of the Conservative Party I am concerned. I tend to think of it as our reactionary past. A bit like Mr Blair regards the Tribune
Well Ben, the Daily Mail is Tory and highly successful.
Seems you are neither.
You previously treated us to a rundown on your local Conservative Association which sounded pretty typical to me. Very similar to mine in outlook and age profile.
How many of your colleagues would agree with your odd ideas about the Daily Mail?
Or do you keep those views secret?
Posted by: Malvolio | September 02, 2006 at 22:37
excuse my ignorance but who is Llewellyn?
Posted by: Tory Solicitor | September 02, 2006 at 23:43
Malvolio, please google me, I post under my real name - maybe you could so we would know where you are coming from, instead of some bizarre obsession with Shakespeare. That will stop your consistent accusation that I'm not a Conservative, something I find very bizarre.
Most of the members I speak to read the Daily Telegraph more than the Daily Mail, which I think of more as a rag than a newspaper. I don't think it is actually Tory or that it has a basic philosophy. It tends to go for sheer populist headline grabbing stuff, great from a newspaper sales technique, hence the heavy advertising spend, but not great for a political party. Populism without principles is Tony Blair's main difference with David Cameron - at least the Conservatives are popular AND principled!
I won't treat you to an update on the views of many of my association on this website. NetRoots aren't entirely popular when newspapers quote the most reactionary people they can find, usually out of context!
My association tends to be rather loyalist, and consequently would rather any concerns or dirty linen is washed in private, rather than plastered over the web.
I don't understand why so many people seem to have a problem with the Green stuff. If your association is similar to mine, then many people must be telling you how much they like being ahead in the polls? You must also notice how many new members your latest membership recruitment got? Or how many events are selling out much quicker? The party is looking like a winner again, and the recovery is going well. I don't get where the people on here that do it down are coming from? Maybe those that 'attack' the leader are actually NuLab moles...
...actually I know they're not because many of the names I recognise from the loyalty calls issued by them under IDS. Shame they can't stay loyal themselves.
Posted by: Ben Redsell | September 03, 2006 at 01:56
I've googled you Ben Redsell and I see that after a brief spell in the party you have already become a councillor.
In other words, unlike most of us, you are already deriving remuneration from your membership. I certainly don't doubt you are a member - you seem to fit a "type" and you may very well be hoping for a further career. I've noticed that many of those who are keen to ditch Conservative principles in favour of Labour ones fit this pattern of self-interest.
When I first joined the party councillors were not paid and they were all local businessmen of substance. Now we seem to have a mixture of the 'bedsit brigade' and yuppie types who think there's something in it for them. Most of them are deluding themselves - hence a high turnover.
David Cameron and his Notting Hill set have recently been described as a "principle- free zone', so you're pretty wide of the mark there. Cameron made only one promise - get us out of the EPP - and he broke it. No more need be said.
As for my local association and the one next door, recent events have been no better attended than they were a couple of years ago, but a couple of long-standing senior members have resigned and joined UKIP over Cameron. Anyway, when we have had occasional newcomers in recent years they usually find it difficult to fit in.
I read the Daily Telegraph, as it happens, and it is all the better for Simon Heffer's trenchant views on Cameron and the state of the party. However. if the Mail's views were not extremely popular it would not sell as well as it does. It is the voice of the silent - Conservative - majority.
Let me tell you Mr Redsell that when I joined (a very long time before 1995 or whenever it was you turned up) my association was FIVE times the size it is now. Every year we used to run a huge Christmas Bazaar (always opened by a major figure - Selwyn Lloyd the week I joined) It's totally impossible to get the support for an even like that now.
How dare you suggest that people who attack Cameron are Labour moles. I didn't vote for Cameron, I never wanted him, and I eagerly look forward to the day of his departure.
Posted by: Tony Barton | September 03, 2006 at 07:55
Malvolio, please google me, I post under my real name - maybe you could so we would know where you are coming from
Ben it's very easy to post under your own name when you do nothing but parrot the current party line.
The last time I was foolish enough to use my own name and mention my association was when IDS was leader and I stated my opinion of him on some Tory-orientated bulletin board.
The result was an irate letter to my chairman from some ridiculous blimp. As the chairman happens to be my brother-in-law we simply had a good laugh about it, but things could have been different.
Once bitten...
Posted by: Malvolio | September 03, 2006 at 09:54
Tony Barton - after a brief spell you became a councillor. Tony, I'm 27. I've been in the party since I was 18. Sorry, but when I joined the minimum age was 18. I became a Councillor to try to make a difference because the dreadful Labour/Lib Dem council was destroying my beautiful county. Just like this ghastly Government is destroying my beautiful country.
I don't see how working for the good of my electorate is ditching Conservative principles. I am not arguing against lower taxation or more private involvement in Health. Actually I'd welcome it. But what I am saying is that it is playing into the enemies hands (and my enemy is ALWAYS red or yellow) to argue amongst ourselves when the policy commissions haven't yet reported.
The time for a rigorous policy debate will be when we actually see what the proposals are in full. It seems ridiculous to try and rip the leadership apart when we don't yet know where they are taking us (apart from back into Government) except in broad strokes.
Who described DC as a principle free zone? Someone why knows him or someone who dislikes him? Or was it Ed Boll*cks (sorry, Balls)?
The EPP promise will be fulfilled. I agree it is hardly ideal to have to wait until God knows when, and the fudge is unfortunate. But it was a promise that he couldn't deliver on even if he wanted to when he made it. I'm not sure he knew this at the time. I too hope that it is kept, and that some alternative centre right grouping can be created, to avoid us joining UKIP/BNP in the far right grouping - imagine what Labour's spin machine could do with that.
You admit that you don't make newcomers welcome in your CA. Hardly surprising that numbers are therefore falling. They shouldn't have to fit in with you. You should do more to make them welcome. That is why our numbers are rising.
You are aware that by voting UKIP/BNP people are letting Labour have a fourth term, aren't you. 14500 votes short of Labour having no majority? Sound familiar?
Simon Heffer is the reason I no longer read the Telegraph as gospel. I can't bear traitors and his jumping ship to UKIP/BNP who want a fourth term Labour Government disgusts me. I managed to stay loyal under IDS, even though there were times I felt we were too far right. Others should now repay that loyalty.
I agree that the Mail's veiws are popular, indeed I said they were populist. However they are frequently contradictory - no more immigrants, unless they are from Zimbabwe for example. I don't happen to think the Mail has any views at all, just a desire to sell newspapers. So it appeals to the base populism inherent in all of us, to our prejudices and contradictions. That isn't Conservatism. It is also interventionist. Far too often it is proclaiming that 'something must be done.'
Party memberships are much smaller than they were when you joined - across the board people don't belong to organisations any more. The decline in membership of the Conservative Party over the last 20 years is slightly better than the decline for organisations like the RSPB. Not a great deal in it, and certainly NOT linked to DC.
You didn't vote for DC, didn't want him, and say you can't wait for him to go. Do you want to stay in opposition? We haven't led like this so consistently in the polls since Mrs Thatcher. Even when the Labour party were in meltdown in the run up to the election, or shortly afterwards last year Michael Howard never had these poll leads! David has transformed the party from potential opposition to the next Government.
I maintain that if we lose DC, we lose the lead.
Malvolio, I have no doubt that you are right, and that there are staff at CCHQ hanging on every word you say, ready to pounce and eject you from the party if you admit who you are. Or maybe you are just a little bit paranoid and egotistical?
Posted by: Ben Redsell | September 03, 2006 at 11:44
>>Simon Heffer is the reason I no longer read the Telegraph as gospel. I can't bear traitors and his jumping ship to UKIP/BNP<<
I think you should be very careful with that kind of statement Ben Redsell.
Simon Heffer has no time at all for the BNP and I suspect that what you are suggesting is probably libellous.
Posted by: Tony Barton | September 03, 2006 at 12:34
Tony Barton
Shoudn't that last line read "..what you are suggesting is certainly libellous and completely untrue.'
Posted by: David Banks | September 03, 2006 at 14:35
Simon Heffer has no time at all for the BNP and I suspect that what you are suggesting is probably libellous.
Not only that but UKIP and the BNP are 2 distinct parties, UKIP is no more the BNP than Labour or the Conservative or Liberal Democrat parties are and as for a 14,500 Labour majority, well if UKIP really got so many votes that they actually stopped the Conservative Party taking that seat then they themselves must have a good chance in winning it, even several thousand votes less and a 7,500 majority is still really a sizeable majority to overturn. Equally UKIP could say that the Conservative Party were preventing them from taking seats.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | September 03, 2006 at 15:08
14500 votes short of Labour having no majority?
Actually I've just realised I misread that and you were referring to all the seats not just one, however UKIP's support mostly was strongest in safe Conservative seats, this is why UKIP struggle to get MP's - the Liberal Party on only marginally higher percentages in the 1950's had 6 MP's, but even if UKIP hadn't stood and assuming that all ther UKIP vote woud have been Conservative otherwise then Labour would still have won a majority, the fact is that every election the redistribution of thousands of votes in a few seats would make a huge difference to numbers of seats but things just don't work out like that, it's like saying that if one runner ran 1Mph faster that they would have won a race when they actually came 4th or something, people don't vote en masse they vote seperately and so inevitably there will be votes making no difference in safe seats at the same time that votes shift in maybe 34 marginals (were all of the ones referred ones where the Conservatives were best placed to win, Salma Yaqoob wasn't far off winning a seat for Respect and some will have been Liberal Democrat or SNP prospects).
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | September 03, 2006 at 15:19
This thread is off message.
Posted by: Editor | September 03, 2006 at 16:16
Theresa Villiers is one person no one has mentioned so far, she has risen quite rapidly to be a prominent member of the Shadow Cabinet.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | September 03, 2006 at 16:24
Would love to see how many of these people who won't use their real names would dare to make their nasty little comments to the faces of those they criticise!
Posted by: Laura Montgomery | September 04, 2006 at 11:46
It's a sad reflection on the state of our Party that no one seems to have mentioned anyone from the voluntary Party as being influential within the party - no mention of any President, Chair or vice Chairs of National Convention or the leader of the CWO or CF. Probably a fair reflection, but sad, of the fact that influential people in our Party are the Central Office folks or the Parliamentarians. The third pillar of our Party - the voluntary party - seems to be viewed (if these comments are right) as having little influence.
Posted by: Mark Clarke | September 04, 2006 at 14:24
What is it with the Tory Party? Why the obsession with lists all of a sudden?
Posted by: Watchdog | September 04, 2006 at 15:16
How about...who are the fifty who think they are the most influential. Now that would be more apt. I'll start it off with Bernard Jenkins wife.
Posted by: Watchdog | September 04, 2006 at 15:24
Labour officials — led by the legendary elections expert, “Mystic Greg” Cook — were commonly accepted to have run rings around their Tory counterparts.
Norman Fowler back then as a Secretary of State and Chairman of the Conservative Party thought the Boundary Review was a diversion, he was influential in those days - that said though Labour would still have had massive majorities in 1997 and 2001 even if the Conservatives had been working with a strategic central plan rather than as if they were Independents, and Labour would still have won in 2005, although it would have been closer.
Presumably there is some reason for having lists of the most influential? Surely there was a problem with the question to some extent in that it was left open to interpretation as to what it was they were influential on.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | September 04, 2006 at 18:08
Would love to see how many of these people who won't use their real names would dare to make their nasty little comments to the faces of those they criticise!
I think Ben was using his real name when he slagged off Simon Heffer, Laura.
He's got a website to prove it.
Posted by: Malvolio | September 04, 2006 at 18:52
Lets hope the Daily Mail isn't the soul of the party!!!
Problem is, looks like the leadership all read, love and listen to the Independent and Guardian... TINO'S!!!!
So woul dhave to say editors of these 2 papers
Posted by: Andy | September 05, 2006 at 09:18
I wasn't referring to Ben. Who are you, Malvolio and who is this Lurkio character?
Posted by: Laura Montgomery | September 05, 2006 at 09:34