Today's Sunday Times Atticus columnn is not so sure about Andrew Rosindell MP's recent decision to celebrate Winnie-the-Pooh:
"Would Winnie-the-Pooh vote Conservative? In a Commons motion to congratulate Pooh on his 80th birthday, Andrew Rosindell — a traditional roast beef sort of Tory MP — praises his “fine values”. But Pooh is really more of a modern, compassionate Conservative. Not only did he welcome immigrants to the Hundred Acre Wood (Tigger, Kanga and Baby Roo) and build a house for homeless Eeyore, but he led a celebrated expotition to the North Pole where he’ll have seen for himself the effects of global warming."
Earlier this year the MP for Romford was celebrating the return of Rupert the Bear to the nation's TV screens:
"That this House wholeheartedly welcomes the return to British television screens of the much loved Rupert the Bear with his distinctive yellow and black scarf, red jacket and chums, after a 14-year absence; notes the timeless appeal of the adventures of Rupert and his friends as fine examples of traditional British children's entertainment since their debut in 1920; further notes the important portrayal within the animation of a youngster's nature as inherently good, with a love of adventure and the guarantee of a warm and welcoming homecoming."
What cartoon character would you suggest to symbolise conservatism/ Conservatism? Wallace and Gromit for their small town values, enterprising inventiveness and anti-crime escapades? Paddington Bear for his constant politeness? Danger Mouse for protecting Britain from external threats? Pinocchio would obviously represent New Labour.
Homer Simpson. George Bush Snr preferred the Waltons but this is a man who goes to church, sticks with his kids and works at a nuclear power station. Ok, ok... I can see lots of flaws with Homer but I guess this isn't meant to be a serious thread!
Posted by: Umbrella Man | July 30, 2006 at 15:22
There's Desperate Dan - he knows what he thinks and what he wants and he's an individualist.
Popeye is the little man who wins against the odds.
Surely Bagpuss must be the ultimate One Nation Tory of the Macmillan tendency, he manages to avoid doing anything; Professor whatsisname from it who when Emily wasn't there turned into the Bookend is rather more reminiscent of Keith Joseph - always pointing things out.
Morph was always someone who liked to be left alone without interference from outside - true he was made of plastercine but then again Wallace and Gromit are puppets not cartoon characters.
Then of course there is the Thunderbirds Team - they protect the world without expecting anything from the State and are entirely self reliant.
Batman of course sorts out the bad guys when the system breaks down, is a self made multi-millionare and philanthropist.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | July 30, 2006 at 15:28
Wily Coyote is vaguely reminiscent of Peter Mandelson.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | July 30, 2006 at 15:30
I think Mickey Mouse would vote Labour, as they follow his policies.
Posted by: Andrew Woodman | July 30, 2006 at 15:50
And Walter Mitty would be Lib Dem of course
Posted by: Andrew Woodman | July 30, 2006 at 15:53
Scrooge McDuck from Ducktails would definitely vote Tory. Anybody who keeps taxes lowest!
Posted by: Richard | July 30, 2006 at 16:03
I reckon on the bad side of things Cyril Sneer would be a Tory, as an industrialist with questionable morals!
But then I also think that Babar the Elephant would also be a Tory. HIs desire for fair play, equality and old fashioned values make him a definite Blue in my eyes!
Posted by: Contributor | July 30, 2006 at 16:41
Professor Yaffle is the Bagpuss bird you are thinking of - but maybe the Mad Hatter is a better comparison for Sir Keith!
Posted by: keith bedson | July 30, 2006 at 18:12
Mr Benn, of course.
Yaffle was a raving Marxist who believed that mice couldn't add value through making chocolate biscuits with their magical machine. Since the mere thought of Bagpuss makes me cry like a baby I'll stop there.
Posted by: Graeme Archer | July 30, 2006 at 19:06
Why Mr Benn, Graeme?
Posted by: Editor | July 30, 2006 at 19:22
My favourite, Droopy, wouldn't vote for anyone.
Posted by: buxtehude | July 30, 2006 at 19:25
Mr Benn is a Lib Dem - dressing up in odd clothes and living in a dream world.
Posted by: keith bedson | July 30, 2006 at 19:26
The Bagpuss music was manically depressing. And Emily's shop supposedly didn't sell anything. Tax dodging anyone?
Posted by: Richard | July 30, 2006 at 19:28
@ Editor: I was proposing Mr Benn before the anti-change faction decided to make a laboured joke about changing appearance etc etc. But he did live in the very suburban Acacia Avenue (I think?) and wore a pin stripe to work - more of my urban prejudice of course!!
Bagpuss oh Bagpuss. Bagpuss is the epitome of Conservatism. Emily ran a shop - one in a long line of the nation's shops. No-one wanted the old tat that she sold - in fact she never sold anything - what more sterling metaphor for the 70s could you have? When Bagpuss went to sleep, all his friends went to sleep - the mice were just ornaments on the mouse-organ, for example - exactly along the lines of the commune I still faintly dream of achieving one day in Hackney. I used to suggest to friends in the 80s that we should move into one house and sleep in a big circular bed, feet pointing to the centre, so that when we woke in the morning we could all begin computing, efficiently, on bedside tables, until tiredness sent us all simultaneously back to sleepful oblivion. I am sure this idea was planted in my head by Bagpuss, whose state of fragile dependency - a noble exterior yet a tangible yearning to be held and loved - had too large an impact on me. And I'm a Tory. Hence Bagpuss must have voted Conservative!
Actually we did consider running a cat in the last council election. But that's another story.
Posted by: Graeme Archer | July 30, 2006 at 19:52
Lord Snooty must be a Tory lord!
Posted by: Andrew Woodman | July 30, 2006 at 20:00
Graeme - Mr Benn lived on Festive Road. Given my memories of the 1980s I can't see him being a Tory with a street name like that.
Posted by: keith bedson | July 30, 2006 at 20:09
Snoopy sort of varied between Marxist, Anarchist, Syndicalist, One Nation Tory, Liberal, Neo-Nazi, Nationalist, Fabian, Conservative Republican and just about any political and philosophical ideology you could think of. Woodstock was a bit like John Major - I reckon he would vote Conservative like clockwork unless Snoopy somehow forced him to do something different.
Charlie Brown was a Liberal Democrat, Lucy on the other hand was more like Ann Widdecombe.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | July 30, 2006 at 20:17
I am worried that this thread is going to give the numb-brains in Labour PR something to work on! Have been giggling about Lord Snooty (too many Tory functions resemble something out of the Beano anyway, don't they?) - but think perhaps Private Eye beat us to it.
Am now fascinated by Whatever Happened To Mr Benn. He lived in suburban Festive Rd (thanks Keith) and wore a pin stripe ... pin stripe ... pin stripe ... Festive Rd - must be south of the river, perhaps behind Festival Hall on the South Bank ... not only did Mr Benn vote Conservative, I believe there is strong evidence to suspect that he holds a leadership role in the Cornerstone Group. No?
Madeliene and Gabriel were just rag dolls. So. Clearly Labour? (Rag-doll trousered philanthropists?). That's probably enough.
Posted by: Graeme Archer | July 30, 2006 at 20:26
PS I meant "that's probably enough" from ME!
Posted by: Graeme Archer | July 30, 2006 at 20:36
Mr Toad from Wind in the Willows is a CamCon surely!
He is green, but skin deep only, mixes with the riff raff but lives in a very stately home in the country.
But hmmm, but for all his Tory qualities, his favourite colour is red. Maybe he is a champagne socialist after all. It's getting hard to tell the difference. ;-)
Posted by: Chad | July 30, 2006 at 21:41
Wind in the Willows was set in pre-Great War England and is actually an allegory as to why socialism won't work (the weasels take over Toad Hall when it doesn't belong to them and have to be evicted). Badger is clearly a Tory (doesn't like society, but you notice he's the one they turn to in order to sort out the mess); Ratty and Mole are the sort of floating voters that represent DC's target market; and Mr Toad would have done well out of the war and received a peerage from Lloyd George.
The Mr Benn controversy is more serious. I think Festive Road is meant to be in Putney. He's clearly a Liberal - you notice he never buys anything from the fancy dress shop, does he? typical freeloader expecting the enterprise society to support his fantasy existence; and he doesn't seem to be under any pressure to turn up at the office so I expect he's a civil servant (probably at the DTI). "As if by magic, the Shopkeeper appeared" - yes, once again, it's the Tories riding to the rescue.
As for Winnie the Pooh, I should have thought it patently obvious that he was a Chamberlainite appeaser. Eeyore is the only one of that crew worth bothering with. And as for Tigger - who else could he be but Tony Blair?
Posted by: William Norton | July 30, 2006 at 22:08
"As for Winnie the Pooh, I should have thought it patently obvious that he was a Chamberlainite appeaser."
Aah, so that's who negotiated that 2009 EPP *cough* declaration!
What about Ludwig? Now he was a weird one.
Posted by: Chad | July 30, 2006 at 22:17
Mr Incredible and family!
Posted by: Tory Solicitor | July 30, 2006 at 22:20
Sid the Sexist??
Posted by: Old Hack | July 30, 2006 at 22:22
Disney's cartoons ......Cindarella was certainly a Labour supporter turned Libdem after the gentrification of her area.
Alice in Wonderland was among the female voters who fell for New Labour in mid 90's..... until she met the Queen of Hearts (Peter Mandelson).
White Rabbit was a Tory and the Cheshire Cat a Libdem (appear, disappear, changing its colour).
The fairies in Sleeping Beauty were Green voters from Brighton.
Posted by: Andrea | July 30, 2006 at 23:00
Homer Simpson DOH!! is a dim leb surely.
Posted by: Annabel Herriott | July 31, 2006 at 00:26
Its easier to find Cartoons from the other side I reckon.
Wile E. Coyote is Gordon Brown. Spending his life plotting ways of preying on the unfortunates who share his realm.
Posted by: Serf | July 31, 2006 at 07:11
Jessica Rabbit
Posted by: TomTom | July 31, 2006 at 07:24
Top Cat and The Flintstones must surely be true blue!!!
Posted by: tn1487 | July 31, 2006 at 10:41
Ian Duncan Smith
Posted by: David Banks | July 31, 2006 at 10:49
Who would Ming the Merciless and Flash Gordon vote for?
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | July 31, 2006 at 14:12
Prince Baron would vote Conservative I think, King Vultan probably UKIP.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | July 31, 2006 at 14:29
I have given a lot of thought to the political leanings of the Wacky Races characters.
Heare is the list:
Peter Perfect -suave, debonair an obvious Tory
Ant Hill Mob.These guys would prefer a party with an inept approach to crime-Labour.
Slight Brothers-not politically correct,rather neanderthal -Tory but a complete embarrasment to the party.
Professor Pat Pending-unsuccessful inventor,relies on government grants -Lib Dem?
Arkansas Chug-a-bug.Interested in Rural issues,pro hunting-Tory.
Army Surplus Special.Wants a strong defence,in favour of war against anyone-Tory but have a sneaking regard for Blair.
Penelope Pitstop.Does what Peter Perfect tells her.Tory.
Gruesome twosome in the crazy coupe.I suspect these two probably don't vote.At least I hope not!
Dastardly and Muttly.Prepared to do anything say anything to win.Obvious Lib Dems.
I hope you all agree with me.
Posted by: malcolm | July 31, 2006 at 14:46
Nice one Malcolm! Peter Perfect is definately a Tory - something of the Steve Norris about him. (Smooth talking Ladies Man)
Dick Dastardly though as a Lib Dem? Surely more NuLab - will cheat, corrupt, steal, simply do anything to win. And he has a helpless lapdog who takes the blame, and is given stupid 'medals'. -Surely Blair and Prescott in micro.
Posted by: Jon White | July 31, 2006 at 14:52
"The Flintstones must surely be true blue!!!"
I think The Flintstones are classic floating need them to win back a GE.
Posted by: Andrea | July 31, 2006 at 18:01
Jon White:Peter Perfect is definately a Tory - something of the Steve Norris about him. (Smooth talking Ladies Man)
Hardly. Isn't the whole point about smooth-talking Peter Perfect that he didn't get the girl? I don't recall Penelope Pitstop being the helpless goody-twoshoes Malcolm describes - although I'd agree that The Hooded Claw is natural Lib Dem.
As an aside, someone who once saw my brother and I together described us as Dastardly & Muttley, tho' I forget which was which...
Posted by: William Norton | July 31, 2006 at 18:39
Surely the Lib Dems are best supported by Dr Doolittles pet 'Push-me-pull-you', an ass who faced in two directions at the same time. Insert joke about Lib Dem of choice here.
Posted by: David Banks | August 01, 2006 at 15:47
Mr Magoo would probably intend to vote Conservative but vote for the Liberal Democrats by accident instead.
Posted by: Yet Another Anon | August 02, 2006 at 00:56
I would vote any of them!
Posted by: celebrity videos | December 08, 2009 at 11:59
Thomas the Tank Engine!!!
Posted by: Grant | December 13, 2009 at 20:42