Yesterday was a big day, so apologies to all those who had trouble commenting in the evening. Our host server went down from 7pm yesterday until the early hours of this morning. This prevented us from publishing the above article exclusively, and may prevent you accessing yesterday's other posts. Some posts and comments have been temporaily lost. We are now determined to change servers in the near future.
10am update: All posts and most comments have now been restored. Thanks for your patience! This is what the host - Typepad - wrote about the 'outage'.
Coincidence? The moment Cameron flunks the EPP, the server goes. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
Posted by: william | July 13, 2006 at 08:55
Tim,I'm glad things are up and running properly now.Checked the site late last night and was stunned to see that nobody had commented on Levy or the EPP story.It has also given William an excuse to come up with another conspiracy theory........aaaargh!
Posted by: malcolm | July 13, 2006 at 09:59