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Ming had to have an impressive PMQ's at some time!!! Though I don't think we really have to worry about him winning any more support for his party going on his normal form.

Completely agree , Ming merely had a less bad session than normal, but this was no rocket from the crypt.

Forgive me, but the level of complacency that the first two posts show is one of the reasons why the Lib Dems bit the collective Tory backside in Bromley.

Tories must hope that wiser minds prevail at the top of the party.

I agree with Jack W's sentiments. Ming has many PR weaknesses but the importance of his strategic repositioning of the LibDems on tax and crime should not be dismissed. Even if he doesn't survive as leader he's already created a useful legacy for, say, Nick Clegg. Bromley showed that the LibDems still have a strong campaign ability, too.

'Wiser mind prevail at the top of the party'

Charming! Well i'm glad you feel so free to look down your nose at activists who you are happy to imply are thick and complacent. You might be 'wiser' to get down off your high horse.

David. I never implied you were "thick". Rather that under-estimating your opponents was poor tactically and strategically. I fear it's the sort of attitude that led to the loss of Solihull at the general election.

As for my "high horse", as an ordinary voter it's my privilege to mount up and jump the Conservative hedges ..... gee up Neddy !!

Jack W

Apologies for slightly angry tone of last posting, recovering from illness & sense of proportion / humour has yet to kick in. I understand that your merely saying we shouldn't underestimate LibDems.
In my neck of the woods the LibDems are nowhere , Labour are the big prob so my attitude to Ming probably reflects that.

David. Willingly accepted.

Although Labour remain the main target especially in the Midlands and Northern marginals, it's important not to disregard the "yellow peril" who retain the ability to ensure a blocking minority to Conservative ambitions.

I hope you're back to full health shortly.

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