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"I have even heard talk of George Osborne promising to match Labour's spending and tax plans for the first year or two years of a Tory government."

...You haven't heard "talk", Mr Editor... You've heard nonsense!

It is very important that David Cameron does replace George Osborne.
He is too young to be trusted with the economy.
He has a schoolboy voice and manner.
He may be right for a top job in ten years but he has only been an MP for 5 minutes.
In the meantime he could be a good Chairman of the party.
Francis Maude could become Education spokesman.
David Willetts could then be Shadow Chancellor.
Two Brains will reassure middle England in ways that Boy George cannot.

I agree with Ms Pearle. Gideon Osborne is too much like a schoolboy.

Very, very good article. The iron triangle is completely correct in order to win elections but the shakest ground that I see it on the economy with the contradictory position of attacking Brown on one hand while saying there will be no tax-and-spend changes on the other.

I have to agree with the comments above. I like George Osborne, and think that in a few years he will make an excellent front-bencher. However, there is no way we can go into a general election with him as shadow chancellor - he's just too easy a target for Labour. Cameron has to be ruthless here; we need someone serious, someone with gravitas. DC himself is relatively young and inexperienced - a 'mature' figure as shadow chancellor would balance this out.

I agree with Janice @19.55:"It is very important that David Cameron does replace George Osborne.
He is too young to be trusted with the economy.
He has a schoolboy voice and manner."
He needs voice training; it did wonders for Maggie.

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