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I, like many, would challenge the idea that tax cuts are mutually incompatiable with economic stability.

Please lets not allow this - dangerous - narrative get as firmly established as the investment/goverment spending misconception has.

How much will you pay us?

Another London event. Suprise suprise.

I would love to go, however its too short a notice for me to get to London in time - plus I have too much uni work to do anyway! I am sure I have a question about the A-List so if I think of something I'll come back, right now essay writing calls...

Is that a chip I can see on the shoulder of Chris Palmer?

I would love to attend and use my free travel pass (courtesy of Gordon Brown), but I think it may clash with Eastenders which the BBC will have cunningly arranged to be broadcast at the same time. Give Dave my love and I hope he gets well soon (is Norman Tebbit going?) All joking apart I wish him well and I only hope I will be given some reason to vote for him at the next GE. We await in anticipation.

Would love to come - but I live a couple of thousand miles away. Am in London at the weekend though - 'tis a shame it's mistimed, as I was looking for a political event to attend.

I really want to be there, but its short notice and I am working that day.

Out of curiosity, whats the misconception with investment/government spending Alex?

Living in Cornwall as I do London is just too far away, any chance DC will be around my neck of the woods any time soon? Although seeing as London is now a hub of Conservative voters I understand why he chose to have a talk there!

I have just emailed Tim to point out an article in the Yorkshire Post re upping our profile which I think would be a productive thread. www.yorkshireposttoday.co.uk. page 11. by Barry White. "Tories chance as Northern Ice thaws." Check it out.

It's the Champions League final on Wednesday.

Will you still be pressing for the B2L vote to be dropped Tim?

I shall be up in London on Wednesday, as it happens, taking my 3 children to see PMQs. (Boy, do I know how to give them a good time - Alton Towers eat your heart out!) Would like to have heard DC, but last train we can sensibly get back from Paddington leaves at 18.15.

Talking of Alton Towers, Blair is now just about strapped in to Oblivion ...

Richard, how old are your 3 children? My parents never took me to parliament, thogh I've been lucky enough to go a couple of times with school, though sadly the house wasn't in session.

Tim, which other top Tory faces are being expected to speak?


14, 11 and 9. There is, surprisingly, no lower age limit, although the youngest is perhaps a bit too young. My eldest lad visited the European Parliament when he was 12 and even claims to have enjoyed it. (Mind you, Phil Bradbourn MEP did treat us to a pretty good lunch!)

If anyone can't make Wednesday evening, but would like to see John Redwood instead on Saturday, then you are more than welcome to come along. Details on this link

Dammit! Cant they organise it for a Monday or Tuesday??? Working all day Saturday...

I would normally have leapt at the chance - but on the same evening there is a very important footie match going on - and I shall be in a pub in Highbury somewhere cheering on the mighty Gooners.

Where's Hammersmith?

JP, its next to kensington, in the west of London. You can get there on the Hammersmith and City line from Kings Cross if you are coming in by train.

Would love to come along and take part, but we've got a local government by-election here on Thursday, so I am planning on being a little tied up on Wednesday night!

Chris and others: This Hammersmith event, I understand, is the first of a number of events about Built To Last. There will be a number of events around the country... so you won't miss out on your chance to have your say... I'll liaise with CCHQ about promoting those events on ConservativeHome's events blog.

Hi Tim,
Has ConservativeHome now dropped its campaign against the BuiltToLast vote?

I am assured, Chad, that the party is open to amending the document and I think these discussions are therefore useful. I am still not persuaded of the value of an expensive nationwide ballot on the document.

Thanks for the update Tim.

Obviously I'm not eligible to vote now, but the most confusing and annoying part of B2L (for me) is that the document on which members will be asked to vote you may agree with (and thus vote in favour) but the party in policy terms might be heading in a different direction.

For example, I completely agree with the aim in B2L that sexual equality comes from empowering communities not expecting fairness to be guaranteed centrally, but the a-list is doing the latter.

So how do you register an a-list protest vote when the document does not reflect the reality?

So how do you register an a-list protest vote when the document does not reflect the reality?
Join the party and register your disapproval, I'd say :)

Join the party and register your disapproval, I'd say :)

And also, with the all new green focus, shouldn't it be called 'Built To Biodegrade'? :-)

Great news - I see Prezza is due to answer questions on his, er, 'responsibilities' immediately before PMQs tomorrow. Can't wait!

Lasting is better than Degrading, don't you think?

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