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Fantastic. Really looking forward to this.

I meant to suggest an "Unsung hero" award for someone who gives huge service to the Party without broadcasting it and is dependent and reliable and loyal. probably now too late to suggest this but maybe another time.

Your "unsung hero" could get the 'local hero' award, David. Alternatively let me know if you have someone in mind who might be worthy of the Editor's Lifetime Achievement Award...

Lifetime Achievement Award - there is only one suitable recipient and that is Baroness Thatcher. She, will late colleagues, started the Conservative Movement in this country. If you give it to someone else, the media will view it as a personal snub.

This looks interesting, but I can ask about how the panel will be chosen and what steps will be taken to ensure the panel is both balanced and representative of CH contributors?

how the panel will be chosen and what steps will be taken to ensure the panel is both balanced and representative of CH contributors?

Good question Matthew. It is important that we can all unreservedly support the whole idea, and that means that we all understand how the winners are chosen.

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