Sunday 23rd April: Saturday was a beautiful day! So of
course on Saturday I was uselessly at work in northern Italy. Sunday it rained all day, so of course I
was out canvassing in Hoxton and Queensbridge wards in Hackney. What's this,
you say, why not the ward where you're standing, Graeme, ie Victoria ward
(right on the park, you know, with the lovely canal - "little Venice"
they call it when it reaches Maida Vale, of course here it's just the Regent's
canal; I dunno, why isn't Maida Vale known as Hackney's estuary? There's no
justice is there?). We'll talk about Victoria LATER (candidates: yours truly, yours
truly's other 'arf (the mighty Keith), and Steven Farquar). Here's a quick
summary of the day. We were delivering pledge letters to postal voters (if
you'd like to canvass with us: meet at the Cat and Mutton pub, Broadway Market
E8, Monday 24th or any other evening, 7pm; call me on 07740 089 855 for
directions, it's 12 minutes from Bethnal Green tube. You don't know what fun
sin can be, until you've spent a night with Hackney Conservative Federation).
Sunday 11am: I'm at the Beehive pub in Hoxton. This is
the sort of pub I love, for all the sort of reasons I can't write about on a
family website: it's in the east end, it's very popular, it gets quite busy.
Very friendly. Today I notice that there is quite a large Polish clientele. I'm
of the opinion that the influx of Poles is the best thing to happen to London in decades. Zeinab arrives (candidate in
Haggerston) and we wait for Alexander (candidate in Queensbridge) to turn up in
his big sexy car. Zeinab tells me how she's getting on in
I'm doing bits of
the Wenlock Barn estate. It is here that last year I came closest to being
punched, by a member of the Hackney Independent association. I think I knocked
him up too early on a Saturday; he's actually a really sound bloke. It amazes
me how much what you'd think of as the "hard left" has the same
strategy for Hackney as we do: real empowerment for the people who live here,
and a focus on the residents who need it the most (our canvassing is an example
of this: we tend to deprioritise the leafy streets for the council estates).
It's just their tactics that we disagree with. But we come together as, I hope,
a powerful coalition to protect the people against the whims of the venal
NewLab council, over issues as diverse as the selling of leases on the Broadway
Market (New Labour: "Sorry that you've spent your life working to improve
this area, we've sold the lease to a foreign estate, now b***er off") or
the London Fields lido (New Labour: "We realise belatedly that we stuffed
up by closing every pool in the borough to make way for the now-failed white
elephant in Clissold, we promise to spend more years talking about what to do
next, and you the voter will actually be invited to some of the
meetings!". Hackney Conservatives: we'll re-open the London Fields lido,
pronto). I meet some folk just hanging around on a Sunday ("What you doing
delivering mail on a Sunday then? Oh the Conservatives - good luck"). It
feels good, but there has been a liberal presence. I see some of their
literature hanging in letterboxes, and of course leave it there.
We reconvene up at
the Dove on Broadway market (best Belgian beers in
I won't predict
anything until May 5th, but Queensbridge even LOOKS better since Andrew became
its councillor, in his spectacular by-election victory last year. Tony Blair's
A wonderfully entertaining description of a wet day in Hackney. If I weren't on a leash in Southampton I'd come up and join in the fun!
Posted by: Mark Fulford | April 24, 2006 at 20:12
Agree - great description and you almost make it seem fun.
Posted by: Ted | April 24, 2006 at 22:36
Very evocative description Graeme - very best of luck to you and all the other Conservative candidates in Hackney.
I think winning in the deprived parts of Britain must be our major mission as a party. We have abandoned too many people for too long and that has to change.
Posted by: kingbongo | April 25, 2006 at 09:25