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The Chairman is elected??? Didnt Cameron pick him as Chairman...doesnt that mean that its not an elected position, its appointed by the Leader?

This election doesnt particularly excite me.

Emnma Pidding has just emailed me this on the leadership process:

"With regards to the election of the Party Leader, I did support the line that was taken by Raymond Monbiot and Gavin Barwell. In my eyes, this system was far from ideal, and it was with much reluctance that supported a vote to take away the hard earned influence from the voluntary party. However, I did not believe that the system that had been used in 2001, which had resulted in the election of Iain Duncan Smith could be used again. The result of that election had proved to be disastrous for our Party - wasted months where the Party made no progress at all in increasing our electability in the eyes of the general public. It is clear; whichever Leader is chosen it is absolutely essential that the Members of Parliament are able to give them their support. In the case of the Iain Duncan Smith v. Kenneth Clarke election the MP’s very foolishly gave the voluntary party no real options in the choice of candidates. Had there been three candidates then perhaps the result would have been quite different?

I believe, that it was right for Michael Howard to seek to change the leadership election rules as soon as he was appointed as Leader, however he was strongly discouraged from doing so as we were very close to a likely General Election. In hindsight, this was a mistake. Michael Howard should have been allowed the opportunity to look at reforming the rules. I am sure though, if this had happened the media would have portrayed this internal debate as yet more ‘naval gazing’ by the Conservatives. They would have said that we are more interested in our own internal politics than in the real matter of how we govern the country.

When Michael Howard stood down straight after last year’s General Election, we were forced into the debate once again of how we should elect our Leader. This initially was part of a much wider remit – the thought provoking ‘21st Century Party’ discussion paper.

I attended 8 discussion meetings held by different Associations in my Area. I came away from each meeting with the clear understanding that the majority of the members that had attended felt that neither proposal for the election of Leader was ideal. This particular agenda item of the discussion paper was in the end decoupled from the rest of the consultation. Regrettably, the membership of the National Convention, were presented with two, in my view, imperfect options. To retain the status quo or to vote for a motion that was the total reversal of this. I felt some ‘half way house’ would be the better option.

As things worked out, the existing rules where maintained, and the leadership election was fought out on this criteria. What a positive exercise this proved to be!! (As is often said – hindsight is a wonderful thing!) There was still the possibility of a similar result as had occurred in 2001 being reached. I like to think that our Parliamentary colleagues had been the error of their ways, and they too like us, the voluntary members, realised they had to give the membership two acceptable candidates. Either of which, both the volunteers and the Parliamentarians could work with.

As I mentioned before I believe that the system does need to be reformed – it could fail us again as it did in 2001. We should look at all options. I have a completely open mind to this. Perhaps as I suggested earlier we need to have a wider choice of candidates being put before the membership for the final vote, or we look at the voluntary party having the first ‘say’ and then giving the Parliamentary Party the final ‘say’ from a short list that we draw up.

I am fully aware that Lord Hodgson worked extremely hard to gain us, the voluntary party, a right to have a say in choosing our Leader, but as we saw in 2001 this can produce a very unsatisfactory result. We need to ensure that this does not happen again.

If elected to the Board, I would work hard to get this debate brought to the table again, sooner rather than later, I want to see a system that is fair and transparent – not having too much power in one arena. Whatever decision/resolution is reached it must have the backing of both the volunteers and the Parliamentary Party. I will seek to achieve this, and will most definitely seek the advice and views of all sections of the voluntary party that I represent in doing so."

Replace "him" with "Francis Maude" that is...far too early for me to be online!

I intend to ring my Association Office NOW and encourage my Chairman to vote John Flack, Jeremy Middleton (a repenting sinner)and Toby Vintcent. I do not want to be represented by people who wanted to disenfranchise me in the choice of Party Leader.

I would also urge anyone with a vote who sees this site to vote for John Flack in particular.The campaign for member disenfranchisement for choosing the leader must be one of the most lamentable political political campaigns in recent years.Not only was it wrong (in my opinion)in principle it was so badly argued that I doubt any neutral observer would have been persuaded to support the proposals.
I also doubt whether those who supported disenfranchisement have the first idea of how to rebuild and enthuse a mass membership party and certainly should not be voted onto its board.

John Flack would be an absolutely excellent board member. Will stand up for the rights of voluntary members but in a constructive manner, always putting the best interests of the Party at heart.

If I were a member of the Party I would encourage my chairman to vote for John.

Simon Mort should be supported enthusiastically. He has worked tirelessly for members since being elected two years ago.

Ms Emma needs to learn to be a little more concise.

I strongly recommend that Emma Pidding be supported. Her straight talking manner will only strengthen all associations.

I think Emma Pidding will make an excellent board member.

I met her at the conference last year and was impressed with her positive attitude.

She is definitely a winner and stands up for grass roots.

This explains why 'vote Flack' ads keep appearing on my blog. Makes a change from the 'Chris2Win' ads that kept appearing for ages after the LD leadership contest finished.

I will be supporting Toby Vintcent in these elections and urging my friends to do likewise.

The Board has considerable residual powers under the Party Constitution and if these are not used sensibly - or not used at all - then our campaigning machine will grind to a halt and no amount of relaunches will save it.

Toby has the political insight and ability to know that 'modernisation' really means professionalising our approach in a way which respects members and associations and takes them with you. He actually has a track record in this area - look at the extraordinary success of his Geneva project.

He was an excellent London Regional Chairman; he will make an excellent Vice President; he has the right ideas for how to take our organisation forward.

I wonder how long John Flack will stay around once he gets elected as an MEP or a parliamentary candidate?
I do not believe that this is a healthy position to be in for an individual who needs to concentrate on representing the Voluntary party on the board.

We need individuals who will be able to concentrate on representing the Voluntary party at Board level throughout the elected period. I will certainly encouraging my Chairman to vote for Simon Mort, Emma Pidding and Middleton.

I have no doubt that all the candidates are worthy - however as a campaigner and husband of a Fast Track candidate I am looking for action not words. Toby Vincent gets my vote on a number of counts - but anyone looking for just one needs to realise that without Toby I believe Geneva would never have happened.
He is a campaigner - not a "politician" - A doer not a talker and I for one believe that is what is needed.
Mark Fullbrook

I would never vote for anyone who advocated taking the vote away from the membership, the very same membership they claim to represent,the pressure our supposed representatives on the board put us under to vote for the change last year, was, quite frankly a disgrace.
I would urge all of those with a vote to wait for those candidates who have not yet responded to the question asked by conservative home to wait until they do so before casting your own vote.
A no response is in my opinion a no vote.

Emma Pidding get my vote: A great asset to have on the Board representing grass roots.

The method of selecting the Leader was last year's issue. More important for the year to come is candidates' views on the Board's proposed changes to membership and affiliation fees. This is an issue on which they will be required to make a decision soon after being elected and which will have a major impact on the voluntary party.

Emma Pidding will definitely get my vote. She is a worker who gets things done and who represents the peolpe who tread the streets!

To answer James Maskall's point, the chairman of the National Convention is a different post to the chairman of the Party, who is Francis Maude, and is appointed. The NC chairman is currently Raymond Monbiot, who will be replaced by Stephen Castle.

A agree with Richard Robinson that we need to look at the views of our Board members on a range of important issues on fundraising and candidate selection, the freedom of associations etc.

Emma Pidding was a brilliant Chairman of Chesham & Amersham Association and negotiated the very successful twinning arrangement with Beaconsfield. She deserves to be elected.

Excuse my suspicious, cynical mind, but I do find it rather odd how a host of people who have previously not commented on this blog have emerged from the undergrowth to ramp Emma Pidding on this thread today.

It's good to have all of these new names posting on the site about Emma Pidding. A warm welcome to you all and I hope you all visit again soon!

The one person I definitely would like to see on the Board is John Flack. John was an enthusiastic and uncomprising champion of the right of members to have a say in last year's leadership election and we need such an uncompromising voice for members on the Board.

I know some of you will think this is boringly predictable of me, but...

Isn't this Board 'hideously white'? Why hasn't Maude got a token Asian to be the Board's 'diversity advisor'?

The newly-welcomed Chisti, I think, would make an excellent candidate...

There's probably a gay and a disabled representantive already on the Board (laws of statistics), but in the absence of a black/Asian candidate, I guess the woman must be preferred.

I don't mean this to sound offensive, but this is exactly the sort of reasoning the Board ought to apply to ITSELF before imposing it on the parliamentary party - then they might see what an utterly unacceptable policy it is.

As a long-standing, if infrequent, poster of comments on this site, I'd like to put in a word for Emma P, who runs part of my euro-region. She is bubbly and jolly and hard-working and clever. No one has put me up to posting this; she happens to be a very good egg and, in a strong field, would get my support.

I agree with Dick Wishart's comment earlier that the vote last year over the Leadership election was a defining moment. Does anyone seriously believe now that it would have been the right thing to have stripped members of their voting rights?

Democracy never fails, only the candidates. Competitive elections give vigour to an organisation and bring people into it. Look at all the new contributors we've had on this thread today, for instance.

The Board will need robust people on it who won't shy away from plain speaking either to the Centre or in enforcing the line with associations. There are still difficult internal organisation questions ahead and I'd like people on the Board who can be relied on to approach them in the correct spirit.

John Flack was very robust last year in the defence of Party democracy. He called it right on that question, when others were having trouble seeing things as clearly or concisely. I'll back his judgment. John Flack gets one of my votes.

Emma Pidding excellent candidate to stand for the Board.
 Intelligent
 Decisive
 Open-minded
 Young
 Positive and
 Dynamic.
For once the party seems to be putting forward the right type of candidates.

As for Daniel V's comments, obviously you have no idea what a brilliant and dynamic person Emma Pidding is.

Completely unprompted, and without in any way being able to read her handwriting, I would like to say that I will be voting for my wife, Lady Gwendolene de Vere Spoofington.

Gwennie has a PhD in nanotechnology, is a world-class Olympic shot-putter, runs an animal sanctuary in her spare time, and is about to find a cure for cancer. All of my tenants like her, and she is very good with the domestic staff.

She also does a pretty mean impression of a Gresley pre-war steam locomotive going through a tunnel.

What more could any one want in a member of the Board of the Conservative Party? It beggars belief that anyone is standing against her.

The Board will need robust people on it who won't shy away from plain speaking either to the Centre or in enforcing the line with associations. There are still difficult internal organisation questions ahead and I'd like people on the Board who can be relied on to approach them in the correct spirit.

Well, how can I possibly follow that? I haven't spent much time looking at these candidates yet, but they all appear to be thorough, committed campaigners with a very professional approach. We are indeed lucky to have such a talented field of volunteers standing for the Party Board.

We need people who push change through, who get things done, and have a commitment to refocussing the party in country on campaigning. Likewise, we need similar qualities of leadership at a local Association level and in other Party organisations, too.

Well, how can I possibly follow that?

If that read a little strangely, I was probably distracted by Sir Buffy de Something-or-other above!!

Excuse my ignorance, but who gets a vote in this election? Ordinary party members don't, so I'm assuming its just officers. If it's just officers, how many of those either know of this site or take any notice of opinion expressed on it?

I'm not sure of the point of the thread, or the campaign on it being waged by Emma Pidding. It's not really going to shift opinion, so aren't efforts a bit misdirected?

I still think it's 'hideously white'.

I have worked with Jeremy Middleton both before and since he became a member of the Board and i must commend him to all as an excellent candidate. I will certainly be voting for him. Simon Mort has impressed me when i have met with him, but that has not been so often as to secure my full support. Although i am warm towards him i will have to see what he puts forward in his speech this time round. The others i dont know, i guess time will tell and i look forward to seeing what they have to say at National Convention in Manchester shortly.

I'd like to know the opinion of all these people towards the upcoming changes in membership rules which in many cases will asset strip associations finances leaving them weakened.

For instance a compulsory £5 per member levy to CCHQ in many instances may mean cutbacks in local staffing, less ability to campaign locally and no discretion to 'punish' CCHQ when it behaves irresponsibly by hiring, firing and paying to gag former staffers.

The recent scandal over Steve Hilton deserves addressing by all these people. Are they concerned that a colleague (or crony?)of the Leader has been vested with such an remuneration package whilst being unaccountable to party?

Put simply is the Leader the sole proprietor of the party with unlimited discretion to appoint, remove and restructure staff at a whim? Or will the Board stand up and be counted to defend the entire Party structure - not just that element based in 25 Victoria St?

Old Hack, It seems to me that at a time we're supposed to promoting a localism agenda, we are within our own party, centralising more and more. First on candidate selection and now, being asked to pump more and more money into the financial black hole which is CCO. Elections in marginal seats will be won by well funded local associations promting the party message on the ground. Not by dog whistling billboard adverts.

When are the elections where we can get rid of Francis Maude?

During the consultation on the method of electing the Leader, I heard it frequently argued that it would be more important for the membership to elect the Chairman of the Party. Personally, I think Francis is doing a good job, but I'd be happy to argue that case before the membership and live by their judgement.

I would be inclined to support the candidate who was prepared to let all members of the party vote - and not just the association chairman. If all members are entitled to vote for the political leadership then so they should with the Board. It is a relatively simple matter to send these details out to everyone with a brief CV and intention. Expensive, yes. Make it last for x number of years. I would not, under any circumstances support Simon Mort for his advocacy of the members losing their vote last year. He stood up at a meeting in Devon and assured me that only 5% of the party felt the way that I did - ie wanting the membership to retain the vote. If he got that so wrong, why would I have any confidence on any other judgements he might make?

Marjorie Bailey

Both Simon Mort and Emma Pidding bring refreshing clarity to the political process. Having seen them both in action over a number of years they have vitality, enthusiasm, knowledge and above all practical rather than theoretical experience. Combined with their straight-talking attitude, these are attributes the Board and Party need.

As an area officer of the party I am obviously lucky in that over time I have met all of the candidates and so been able to form an impression of them all. As such I have to say that they are all high quality people with the skills and attributes to be good board members and so in many ways the question for those of us with a vote, and yes I do have one, is whether they agree with the views of that candidate regarding the voice of the membership in the leadership election process.

If Emma is intelligent she goes to great lengths to disguise it in her verbiage above.

Simon's words, although mercifully shorter, were equally vacuous. The fact that he wanted to remove our right to choose the leader makes him totally unelectable in my view.

I want the Board to have people who are going to help transform our dysfunctional, complacent and ineffectual party machine into the best campaigning organisation in the world. That will mean they will need vision, courage and organisational and leadership skills. Toby Vincent seems to be head and shoulders above the rest on those qualities (and no, I don't know him, have never met him and haven't been put up to it) while John Flack looks pretty good to.

Conservative Home is making a real difference by making sure elections like this get to be known about by people like me who have no vote.

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USD: Z175706098589
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у ребенка не работают. —авелий продолжает жить благодар€ дорогосто€щим
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ƒо конца €нвар€ 2011 их нужно перечислит клиники. —авушка и его мама
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–еквизиты дл€ перечислени€:
Web Money:
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USD: Z175706098589
яндекс-деньги: 41001813600163
—авелию, money for operation are necessary.
Small —авелию ¬аськину the help urgently is required.
The kid to whom only two and a half a year, is in a grave condition
In resuscitation of one of hospitals Permi. His life hangs by a thread: both kidneys
For the child do not work. —авелий continues to live thanks to the expensive
To medicines, the help of doctors and huge desire of relatives to rescue the kid.

For carrying out of expensive operation on kidney change in Germany
(City of Cologne) or Israel considerable money - 12 thousand euro is necessary.
Till the end of January of 2011 them it is necessary will list clinics. —авушка and his mother
Elena will be grateful to everyone responded for any help.
Requisites for transfer:
Web Money:
Roubles: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
Yandex-money: 41001813600163

—авелию, нужны деньги на операцию.
ћаленькому —авелию ¬аськину срочно требуетс€ помощь.
ћалыш, которому всего два с половиной года, находитс€ в т€желом состо€нии
в реанимации одной из больниц ѕерьми. ≈го жизнь висит на волоске: обе почки
у ребенка не работают. —авелий продолжает жить благодар€ дорогосто€щим
лекарствам, помощи врачей и огромному желанию близких спасти малыша.

ƒл€ проведени€ дорогосто€щей операции по пересадке почки в √ермании
(город  Єльн) или »зраиле нужны немалые деньги Ц 12 тыс€ч евро.
ƒо конца €нвар€ 2011 их нужно перечислит клиники. —авушка и его мама
≈лена будут благодарны каждому откликнувшемус€ за любую помощь.
–еквизиты дл€ перечислени€:
Web Money:
–убли: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
яндекс-деньги: 41001813600163
—авелию, money for operation are necessary.
Small —авелию ¬аськину the help urgently is required.
The kid to whom only two and a half a year, is in a grave condition
In resuscitation of one of hospitals Permi. His life hangs by a thread: both kidneys
For the child do not work. —авелий continues to live thanks to the expensive
To medicines, the help of doctors and huge desire of relatives to rescue the kid.

For carrying out of expensive operation on kidney change in Germany
(City of Cologne) or Israel considerable money - 12 thousand euro is necessary.
Till the end of January of 2011 them it is necessary will list clinics. —авушка and his mother
Elena will be grateful to everyone responded for any help.
Requisites for transfer:
Web Money:
Roubles: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
Yandex-money: 41001813600163

—авелию, нужны деньги на операцию.
ћаленькому —авелию ¬аськину срочно требуетс€ помощь.
ћалыш, которому всего два с половиной года, находитс€ в т€желом состо€нии
в реанимации одной из больниц ѕерьми. ≈го жизнь висит на волоске: обе почки
у ребенка не работают. —авелий продолжает жить благодар€ дорогосто€щим
лекарствам, помощи врачей и огромному желанию близких спасти малыша.

ƒл€ проведени€ дорогосто€щей операции по пересадке почки в √ермании
(город  Єльн) или »зраиле нужны немалые деньги Ц 12 тыс€ч евро.
ƒо конца €нвар€ 2011 их нужно перечислит клиники. —авушка и его мама
≈лена будут благодарны каждому откликнувшемус€ за любую помощь.
–еквизиты дл€ перечислени€:
Web Money:
–убли: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
яндекс-деньги: 41001813600163
—авелию, money for operation are necessary.
Small —авелию ¬аськину the help urgently is required.
The kid to whom only two and a half a year, is in a grave condition
In resuscitation of one of hospitals Permi. His life hangs by a thread: both kidneys
For the child do not work. —авелий continues to live thanks to the expensive
To medicines, the help of doctors and huge desire of relatives to rescue the kid.

For carrying out of expensive operation on kidney change in Germany
(City of Cologne) or Israel considerable money - 12 thousand euro is necessary.
Till the end of January of 2011 them it is necessary will list clinics. —авушка and his mother
Elena will be grateful to everyone responded for any help.
Requisites for transfer:
Web Money:
Roubles: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
Yandex-money: 41001813600163

—авелию, нужны деньги на операцию.
ћаленькому —авелию ¬аськину срочно требуетс€ помощь.
ћалыш, которому всего два с половиной года, находитс€ в т€желом состо€нии
в реанимации одной из больниц ѕерьми. ≈го жизнь висит на волоске: обе почки
у ребенка не работают. —авелий продолжает жить благодар€ дорогосто€щим
лекарствам, помощи врачей и огромному желанию близких спасти малыша.

ƒл€ проведени€ дорогосто€щей операции по пересадке почки в √ермании
(город  Єльн) или »зраиле нужны немалые деньги Ц 12 тыс€ч евро.
ƒо конца €нвар€ 2011 их нужно перечислит клиники. —авушка и его мама
≈лена будут благодарны каждому откликнувшемус€ за любую помощь.
–еквизиты дл€ перечислени€:
Web Money:
–убли: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
яндекс-деньги: 41001813600163
—авелию, money for operation are necessary.
Small —авелию ¬аськину the help urgently is required.
The kid to whom only two and a half a year, is in a grave condition
In resuscitation of one of hospitals Permi. His life hangs by a thread: both kidneys
For the child do not work. —авелий continues to live thanks to the expensive
To medicines, the help of doctors and huge desire of relatives to rescue the kid.

For carrying out of expensive operation on kidney change in Germany
(City of Cologne) or Israel considerable money - 12 thousand euro is necessary.
Till the end of January of 2011 them it is necessary will list clinics. —авушка and his mother
Elena will be grateful to everyone responded for any help.
Requisites for transfer:
Web Money:
Roubles: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
Yandex-money: 41001813600163

—авелию, нужны деньги на операцию.
ћаленькому —авелию ¬аськину срочно требуетс€ помощь.
ћалыш, которому всего два с половиной года, находитс€ в т€желом состо€нии
в реанимации одной из больниц ѕерьми. ≈го жизнь висит на волоске: обе почки
у ребенка не работают. —авелий продолжает жить благодар€ дорогосто€щим
лекарствам, помощи врачей и огромному желанию близких спасти малыша.

ƒл€ проведени€ дорогосто€щей операции по пересадке почки в √ермании
(город  Єльн) или »зраиле нужны немалые деньги Ц 12 тыс€ч евро.
ƒо конца €нвар€ 2011 их нужно перечислит клиники. —авушка и его мама
≈лена будут благодарны каждому откликнувшемус€ за любую помощь.
–еквизиты дл€ перечислени€:
Web Money:
–убли: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
яндекс-деньги: 41001813600163
—авелию, money for operation are necessary.
Small —авелию ¬аськину the help urgently is required.
The kid to whom only two and a half a year, is in a grave condition
In resuscitation of one of hospitals Permi. His life hangs by a thread: both kidneys
For the child do not work. —авелий continues to live thanks to the expensive
To medicines, the help of doctors and huge desire of relatives to rescue the kid.

For carrying out of expensive operation on kidney change in Germany
(City of Cologne) or Israel considerable money - 12 thousand euro is necessary.
Till the end of January of 2011 them it is necessary will list clinics. —авушка and his mother
Elena will be grateful to everyone responded for any help.
Requisites for transfer:
Web Money:
Roubles: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
Yandex-money: 41001813600163

—авелию, нужны деньги на операцию.
ћаленькому —авелию ¬аськину срочно требуетс€ помощь.
ћалыш, которому всего два с половиной года, находитс€ в т€желом состо€нии
в реанимации одной из больниц ѕерьми. ≈го жизнь висит на волоске: обе почки
у ребенка не работают. —авелий продолжает жить благодар€ дорогосто€щим
лекарствам, помощи врачей и огромному желанию близких спасти малыша.

ƒл€ проведени€ дорогосто€щей операции по пересадке почки в √ермании
(город  Єльн) или »зраиле нужны немалые деньги Ц 12 тыс€ч евро.
ƒо конца €нвар€ 2011 их нужно перечислит клиники. —авушка и его мама
≈лена будут благодарны каждому откликнувшемус€ за любую помощь.
–еквизиты дл€ перечислени€:
Web Money:
–убли: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
яндекс-деньги: 41001813600163
—авелию, money for operation are necessary.
Small —авелию ¬аськину the help urgently is required.
The kid to whom only two and a half a year, is in a grave condition
In resuscitation of one of hospitals Permi. His life hangs by a thread: both kidneys
For the child do not work. —авелий continues to live thanks to the expensive
To medicines, the help of doctors and huge desire of relatives to rescue the kid.

For carrying out of expensive operation on kidney change in Germany
(City of Cologne) or Israel considerable money - 12 thousand euro is necessary.
Till the end of January of 2011 them it is necessary will list clinics. —авушка and his mother
Elena will be grateful to everyone responded for any help.
Requisites for transfer:
Web Money:
Roubles: R412279514239
USD: Z175706098589
Yandex-money: 41001813600163

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