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Nothing like a nice mass email to round off the budget. Maybe if GB doesn't get the keys to No. 10 he could get a job with the Nigerian Finance Ministry.

It looks like a deliberate attempt to look innocent and child-like to me, like the graphics, but, importantly, it does not bear the slighest similarity to the Gordon Brown signature on the Treasury site.

A graphologist writes:

The signature is that of a psychologically damaged meglomaniacal control freak who suffers from manic depression.

On the treasury site he looks like he signed it after about 10 pints of 'heavy'.His budget calculations probably looked pretty good at that time too!

I'm on the Lib Dem maillist and you've got to give Menzies credit. No sooner than about 3 mins after his speech had ended he'd got back to his office and emailed me a long email headed "Gordon Brown fails to face up to his responsibilities" detailing the Lib Dem response. He may be a old, but he's sure got the hang of touchtyping; he may be boring but he can use the internet pretty smartly. Maybe we should give him a bit more time and not pass him off as useless quite yet.

"This was the signature at the bottom of the email I received from New Labour HQ about the Budget (that also included the childish pictures...)."

Cut him some slack - it must have been some feat to scribble all that on the back of a fag packet.

lol. Yes the Treasurty version seems to say 'Gordra Bum', whereas this version just says 'day release'.

Number 8 -
1.5% of the 2.5% growth accounted for by more working days 2005/6 than 2004/5 not economic growth.

From Islingtonian on Political betting
"the financial year 2005-2006 did not include an Easter, whereas 2004-2005 contained two of them. So in economic terms 2005-6 (255 working days) was 1.5% longer than 2004-5 (251 working days). This statistical quirk accounts for 60% of Gordon’s (2.5%) growth figure."

Now in dim distant past when I was more deeply involved in planning we would account for differences in working days etc by adjustments - not sure if this is done in Gordon's stats (which is why independent Stats Office a necessity)

Guido: Manic depression.
Well if you took notice of Brown during Cambell's response to the Budget, thats exactly the impression you would get of the guy.

Off-topic, but Cllr Tim Perkins has outlined his reasons for leaving the LibDems. He has also applied for membership of the Conservative Party.

Imho - the signature above could have been made by someone lefthanded. This person gives the impression of being rather heavy-handed and in a hurry. The big, heavy G shows that they are keen to give an impression of their 'solidity' their 'worth', but the little capital 'B' shows that underneathe they are much less sure of themselves, even to the extent that they might bite their nails.

They are certainly not in the least bit interested in how they look or being fashionable.

Heavy-handed, single-minded and not much sense of humour could sum this person up!

I'm on the Lib Dem maillist and you've got to give Menzies credit. No sooner than about 3 mins after his speech had ended he'd got back to his office and emailed me a long email headed "Gordon Brown fails to face up to his responsibilities" detailing the Lib Dem response. He may be a old, but he's sure got the hang of touchtyping; he may be boring but he can use the internet pretty smartly. Maybe we should give him a bit more time and not pass him off as useless quite yet.

Surely this post is a joke?

the proportion of taxes raised by environmental taxes has fallen from 6.4% to 6.2% ... The Climate Change Levy will, according to the Red Book, raise less revenue in the next three years

This is a total red herring. The point of eco-taxes is change behaviour, not raise revenue. If an eco-tax is successful, the revenues from it should go down - as this means that the damaging activity is being curtailed.

For better reasons why the Climate Change Levy is a duff policy see here.

I went to a beginners computer class, and they showed us how to use "write"or was it "paint" clever to dig it up in the middle of an email! I managed to draw a tree with my mouse, but see here, this guy is signing his name with his mouse! RESPECT!!

Nothing for pensioners and they are steaming mad. The grey vote is huge, so that was a big mistake Gordon.

This is a typical Communist type budget. Pour money into teaching and training the young, indoctrinate them & make them so grateful to the "Party" they will become Party members.

As for wanting to have the same funding per child as in the "Public" schools, this is sheer pie in the sky. Where is the money coming from? Sheer cheek when a few years ago he wanted to scrap all "Public" schools. I remember my son's school talking about moving to Switzerland to get away from Labour's clutches. I assume this is just an aspiration.

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