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I do not see your problem with Anne Coulter. Her website shows a robust point of view, much of which I would share. The evidence of polls in the Sunday Times today shows that a majority of opinion in UK is suspicious of mainstream Muslim attitudes and thinking and appalled that Hamza was tolerated for so long and that the Police turn a blind eye to protesters threatening murder.

All power to David Davis in demanding an inquiry into the failure of the Police to act.

Tolerance has become a vice not a virtue in Western Europe.

There are some real problems that we have to face up to with the spread of radical Islam, but Coulter's generalisations serve in their own little way to exacerbate them. We should build bridges with moderate Muslims rather than push others further to the extreme.

Mainstream politicians be critical when it is right to do so, not because they would otherwise be hijacked by extremists. This article seems to insinuate that if extremists groups didn't exist it would be better to tow the politically correct line but unfortunately they do exist so we are forced into making factual and principled argiuments.

forced into making factual and principled argiuments

Like calling Muslims 'ragheads'?

This stupid woman is alienating moderate Muslims and helping to discredit reasoned critics of extreme Islam.

"This stupid woman is alienating moderate Muslims and helping to discredit reasoned critics of extreme Islam."

I don't really have to say anything about Ann Coulter (I know very little about her), but I get kind of tired of this talk of "moderate" Muslims being so easily alienated. Doesn't sound moderate to me. Let's stop treading on eggshells.

"I don't really have to say anything about Ann Coulter (I know very little about her), but I get kind of tired of this talk of "moderate" Muslims being so easily alienated. Doesn't sound moderate to me. Let's stop treading on eggshells."

I am still concerned that during the invasion of Afghanistan, while the vast majority of non-Muslim Britons were in favour, the vast majority of Muslim Britons (presumably including the moderate Muslims) were opposed. This implies that their loyalties lie elsewhere. I am aware that there were conservative critics of the war on Afghanistan, but such disparity in numbers between Muslims and non-Muslims is indicative of an important divide based on cultural reasons that has to be bridged. This uncomfortable fact cannot be ignored.

For once, I agree with Richard! We have to remember that the "moderates" are only moderate in comparison to the "extremists" (as they are known). Islam per se IS extreme in comparison to western thinking/culture.

One can be a moderate Muslim is Saudi Arabia, but not here (ditto loony American Christians).

Coulter's extreme views are typical of many American "conservatives", especially on the "Christian right" and in neo-conservative circles.

To them, moslems are cultural savages and should be treated such. There is no knowledge, understanding or appreciation of the history of moslem cultures and their achievements.

I am delighted that the Editor has condemned Ann Coulter and hope that he expressed his displeasure to the conference's organisers.

To be fair, a lot of the right-wing US blogs have said that Coulter's speech was unacceptable. The remarks have been of the tenor of "she's been losing it for a while".

"The unacceptable face of American Conservatism"

And the difference is?
She identifies all muslims by those who fly planes into buildings...
and here you identify "american conservatism" on the sentiments of one woman. right.

I notice you still have a link to Ms Coulter's website in your 'US sites' links.

"She identifies all muslims by those who fly planes into buildings...
and here you identify "american conservatism" on the sentiments of one woman. right."

That criticism won't wash I'm afraid - the Editor isn't identifying all American conservatism on the sentiments of Ms Coulter, just as describing Osama Bin Laden as the unacceptable face of Islam wouldn't be identifying all Moslems by his sentiments.

Ann Coulter is an idiot. She is the Michael Moore of the Right and not to be taken seriously. Really no one should be paying any attention to her, she is simply not a person worth commenting on. It's insulting to American conservatism to treat her as someone American conservatives take seriously, since they don't.

But I strongly disagree with the Editor's political correctness about the issues of Islam and, in general, mass immigration from the Third World.

It goes without saying that there are many decent muslims, that Islam is not inherently as disturbed a doctrine as Nazism or Communism, and so on, but it's about time the so-called 'moderate' Muslims show whose side they're on. Cf. Krauthammer:

It is not, I think, a good thing if mass immigration from Islamic countries into the West continues unchecked.

Radical Islam is not a necessarily a 'perversion' of Islam: it is an integral part of it, supported by the very sources of the religion. Just read the Qu'aran. Just ponder the example of Muhammed, just reflect on the long history of Islami, just consider the absence of the separation of church and state in Islam, and so on, and you realize that the Islamic "radicals" or "fundamentalists" derive much support from the very sources of their religion.

This is one of the great issues of their time. It's high time that principled conservatives in Britain too (like they've already done in the US, Holland, etc.) muster the courage to debate these issues instead of hiding behind platitudes.

DVA: "I notice you still have a link to Ms Coulter's website in your 'US sites' links.'

Not any more Daniel. Thanks for the reminder.

Selsdon Man: "I am delighted that the Editor has condemned Ann Coulter and hope that he expressed his displeasure to the conference's organisers."

I will do so Selsdon Man. I also visited the Muslims for America stand at the conference and told them how offensive I thought Ms Coulter's comments were. We then had a good discussion about the real issue of extemism in too much of the islamic world.

"we then had a good discussion about the real issue of extremism in too much of the islamic world" (editor)

Surely we should be discussing islamic extremism in too much of our own neo-christian world.

I think it's worth pointing out the difference in the American political scene. It is a bit more hysterical in general, on both the right and the left, and very given to hyperbole.

Just take a look at this website:


and reflect on how common such sites are in America, and how rare they are here.

I remember being pretty staggered watching the Bill O'Reilly show in America, and thought he was very belligerent; I imagined his style of politics was just on the Republican side of things, until I heard Al Franken.

Just something to bear in my mind with regard to Ms. Coulter.

I have to confess I'd never heard of Ann Coulter until today - and at first I thought we were talking about the villainess in the Philip Pullman books. I'd guess that she speaks for a constituency both in the US and the UK: it probably doesn't agree with everything she says, but is secretly glad someone is saying something like that.

I'm afraid we're back to the old Enoch problem, aren't we? If all we get from our political class is Straw-style stuff then it will play to the extremists (of all sides). Any one who breaks ranks risks being condemned as a rabble-rousing racist. And, of course, the people who break ranks will be the provocative types with an eye to the headlines.

What we probably won't get is either the truth, or any thing like a constructive dialogue.

My prediction: the most over-used phrase you'll hear this year: "the peaceful and compassionate doctrine of true Islam".

I agree with Justin. "Moderate" muslims are not moderate by western standards. Just listen to any "moderate" muslim being interviewed on radio or television. He or she may agree that the latest bombing or throat-cutting is to be condemmed. But this is inevitably followed by a "but". Oh yes, they are very fond of the "but", which generally involves vague accusations of "islamophobia".
I'm sorry, but I don't buy the idea that just a few muslims are causing trouble, while the vast majority are peace-loving types who are eternally grateful for living in this wonderful country of ours. I have no evidence, but I suspect that most muslim children are brought up to despise the indiginous culture of this country.
Have we not forgotten that notorious Question Time programme immediately after 9/11 when triumphal muslims in the audience baited the American Ambassador? Or the widely reported story of the school (I think in Southall) where muslim children came into the playground the day after 9/11 cheering and punching the air? What were their parents saying the night before as the sat together en famille watching endless repeats of the planes slamming into the twin towers.
The BBC are fond of programmes in which right -wingers are secretly taped and condemned for their extreme views. Isn't it about time we used the same methods in mosques, the better to understand fellow members of our rich multicultural society?

Ann Coulter really is the worst type of conservative. As a highly inteligent woman she is no doubt capable of making a substantial contribution to the conseravtive cause. Instead she acts like the most stereotypical ignorant, bigoted, ultra right winger. I'm all for straight talk and abhor the general unwillingness to talk candidly about Islam but what this woman spews out is nothing but hatred.

@ William Norton:

Surely the analysis of Enoch Powell was entirely correct and his foresight astounding?

If only we had listened to him...

Now all we do is have Cameron spout nonsense like "Islam is a religion of peace". I mean, please...

Just in case some have not seen/heard of this poll, here is recent Populus poll on Muslim opinion :


Some pretty damning stuff here, the most notable being that 12% of 18-24 yr old Muslims felt suicide bombing was a legitimate means of campaign here in the UK.

Personally I think the most revealing part of that poll was the news that 46% of Muslims believe that Jews are in league with the freemasons to control the media and politics: i.e. a very large proportion of Muslims in this country (let alone in the Arab world!) buy into "Elders of Zion" conpsiracies.

It is worth bearing in mind this fundamentally irrational mindset whenever considering any of the troubles around the world involving Muslims.

To change the mood a little - but staying, as always, strictly on the subject of the thread: Radio Four have just reported that Vice President Cheney (the well-known liberal) has shot someone whilst out hunting in Texas. Presumably he wasn't out hunting the person he shot. Apparently the victim has survived and is a lawyer, so ... cue lawyer jokes. Which aren't funny.

A quotation from Ann's book,'How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)':

"Third, you must OUTRAGE THE ENEMY. If the liberal you're arguing with doesn't become speechless with sputtering, impotent rage, you're not doing it right. People don't get angry when lies are told about them; they get angry when the truth is told about them. If you are not being called outrageous by liberals, you're not being outrageous enough. Start with the maximum assertion about liberals and then push the envelope, because, as we know, their evil is incalculable. They stand for the godless rule of dictators. They apologize for abortion, adultery, and everything bestial in society. They support al-Qaida and the Taliban as they once supported Stalin and Mao. They put Stalin apologist Paul Robeson on a stamp...This crowd is always in search of approval from people who want to harm America. Nothing too extreme can be said about liberals, because it's all true. (That's why I almost called this book 'You Don't Know The Half Of It'.)"

Who here remembers how the media used to idol-worship David Horowitz? He was saying the leftist version of this sort of thing back in the 1970's, and was just (if not more) acerbic. Where is his TV exposure now that he has moved sharply to the right? Okay, I concede that he isn't a gorgeous leggy blonde....

As long as Ann Coulter continues to antagonise the left: more power to her arm. Unlike William Norton et al I know of and enjoy her books and speeches - her website is a Bookmark of mine, so I have no problem with Tim deleting it from this site. Don't condemn an entire speech on the basis of one inflammatory and insensitive word. She always pushes the envelope in the search of shock value, but so do many on the left and they go completely unchallenged on the mainstream media. She was making the point that she doesn't like the people she was talking about, and she isn't afraid to make that clear. She doesn't happen to believe that there is a polite response to jihad. Is it wrong to say that out loud? Why all this vitriol directed at a right-wing speech when demonstrators dressed as suicide bombers can walk the streets of London carrying banners saying....etc etc etc ad nauseum

Tim, I see your time in the United States has not gone unnoticed by the Press:


Tom Baldwin is still as big a NuLab stooge as he ever was.

Tom Baldwin really is a loathsome **** isn't he? I think a letter of complaint may be in order Editor.

Geoff: She doesn't happen to believe that there is a polite response to jihad. Is it wrong to say that out loud? Why all this vitriol directed at a right-wing speech when demonstrators dressed as suicide bombers can walk the streets of London carrying banners saying....etc etc etc ad nauseum

Perhaps because: I'm afraid we're back to the old Enoch problem, aren't we? If all we get from our political class is Straw-style stuff then it will play to the extremists (of all sides). Any one who breaks ranks risks being condemned as a rabble-rousing racist. And, of course, the people who break ranks will be the provocative types with an eye to the headlines. Or, if you prefer, the people who break ranks will be the ones who always push the envelope in search of shock value.


DVA: Tom Baldwin really is a loathsome **** isn't he? I think a letter of complaint may be in order Editor.

Oh, surely Baldwin is just pushing the envelope in search of shock value?

Rather than writing a complaint, the Editor should devote his efforts to establishing a leak enquiry, to discover how Baldwin discovered Agent Tim's secret mission. Up to now, security's been pretty tight on that one.

It's obvious that there is a traitor in our ranks. When was the last time Baldwin wrote a story all by himself without being spoonfed a leak? How often does the modern Times get to a story as rapidly as 5 weeks after it was actually news?

The truth is that all Muslims are NOT terrorists. Sadly, most terrorists ARE Muslims. No matter how hard we try to ignore that, it remains fact.

It is NOT acceptable to allow expression of terrorist ideology on the streets. If someone held up banners praising the holocaust he or she would be (quite rightly) arrested. The same should be true of people carrying banners that advocate beheading Danish Newspaper editors. (Irrespective of how stupid it was to publish inflamatory material like that. Freedom of the Press should be used responsibly)

Sadly, however, nut jobs like Anne Coulter just make things worse. We have to be firm with all members of our society - violence is NOT acceptable, and we have the right as a democracy to enforce that. We should not pander to the doctrines of liberal tolerance on this. BUT neither should we alienate such a huge part of our society by comments like Ms Coulter's. She can use the term "Rag Head" with impunity. I imagine that description is as insulting to a Muslim as the 'N' word is to black person. She wouldn't dare use that word in the US.

We can, without compromising our values and laws (which to me is unnegotiable) reach out to the Muslim community. It has to be a two-way street - they must accept that they cannot enforce their ideas on the rest of society. Calling them 'Ragheads' is not going to help.

Ms Coulter is the unnaceptable face of humanity, not just the American Ultra Right.

Jon and others: Ann Coulter (please at least spell her name correctly before you move on to insult her - no 'e') is most effective when she is highlighting the hypocrisy of the left.

Take, for example, her constant reminders to those who choose to forget; hard-left Democratic Sen. Bob Byrd used to be in the KKK and that Teddy Kennedy has the audacity to sit in judgement of the suitability of Roberts and Alito to serve in the US Supreme Court despite driving Mary Jo Kopechne off a bridge.

You refer oddly to something called the 'N'-word. Is that the same word that features in every other line of contemporary black rap music sold in every music store here and in the US? By your analogy, it would therefore be okay for a Muslim to describe a fellow Muslim as a "raghead" (and to sell an album about it to children) but it is not acceptable as spoken by a Christian?

Oh, Tolerance, where art thou now? Freedom Of Expression: RIP. Dhimmitude is the way forward, obviously.

I think we would be better served by attacking the siren voices of those hostile to our country and way of life than by undermining those who stand in our defence even if they might do so in strident terms which discomfort us. At the end of the day, between her and Abu Hamza, I know who I'd rather meet at a dinner party.

I found it bizarre this morning that the Times had what could have been a useful article about Tim's time in the US overshadowed by a photo of Ann Coulter that seemed to be twice the size of the article.

Both the photo and "dirty tricks" title seemed to detract from the core message of conservatives working together online, imho.

The good news regarding Tom Baldwin is that he's hardly ever in the Times nowadays,it must be harder trying to be a proper journalist rather than being told what to write by Alistair Campbell.
Tom really is a disgrace to journalism and the Editor of the Times brings his newspaper into disrepute by continuing to employ him.

The Conservative Party has very little to gain, and everything to lose, by drawing associations with the right of the Republican Party. We must be courting moderate Republicans and Democrats across the Pond.

The most depressing thing about Coulter et al is the personal nature of her writing (see quote above) and unwillingness to separate the person from the political view. This is only ever practiced from the extremes - I've only ever suffered this from Socialist Workers.

It also suggests politics as an end in itself, when it is nothing more than a means to an end - a better society.

You are spot-on Tim. I've just returned from the US myself having been fortunate enough to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in DC. I came away more convinced than ever that UK Conservatives have a lot to learn from our American counterparts - but not from the rabid Ann Coluter and her ilk.

What a shame I didn't know you were in DC, Michael. We should have met up!

Geoff, my apologies for the mis-spelling of Ms Coulter's first name. Yes, I agree that the American left (like the left in most countries) is totally hypocritical. It is always wise to point that out, to all who will listen.
The use of the 'N' word IS offensive, ESPECIALLY when used by blacks. It gives credence to racists, like homosexuals calling themselves "Faggots". My point was that Ann Coulter would not dare use that word, but feels completely at ease using the term 'RagHead'. Where's the difference?
We CAN leran from the American Right, but not from the rapid politics of hate that Ann Coulter preachs. (And I mean 'preachs'. Conservatism should be secular, not religous faith based). Down that road is the alienation of huge amounts of voters, irrespective of the morality of such an approach.

Geoff: "I think we would be better served by attacking the siren voices of those hostile to our country and way of life than by undermining those who stand in our defence even if they might do so in strident terms which discomfort us."

I fail to see why the binary thinking which so encompasses modern politics - most notably in the US - should be perpetuated with this type of attitude. We needn't choose between attacking one or other of these viewpoints when, as modern people equipped with time-saving PDAs and other marvellous equipment, we can multi-task and do both.

If you find her sentiments discomforting but refuse to condemn them because she occupies the same bank against a common opponent, you lack the courage of your convictions. If your convictions lie with hers, you needn't coddle us by claiming that her statements discomfort you. The same logic can be extended to refusing to condemn soldiers who breach the Geneva Conventions in your name merely because they are engaged in fighting your enemy.

Extremists on both sides can safely be condemned for polarising attitudes and exacerbating the situation. Geoff may prefer to have dinner with Ann Coulter than Abu Hamza; I would prefer to skip the meal entirely.

Just gone to the blog criticism link from this page then clicked on the link to the American Mind site which commented on the speech...the US conservatives are so bigoted and irrational its wierd. Ann Coulters comments are disgraceful. The term "raghead" is a nasty term to use. Its deliberately inflamatory and she should be ashamed of herself.

Ann's a laughriot.

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