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Wish I went to that, the debaters are all very interesting people.
I've noticed the nationalistic aspect to anti-war arguments a lot recently, often on QT.

Good to see the Union back to its best - and that the student stereotype isn't as strong as some would have.

"I've noticed the nationalistic aspect to anti-war arguments a lot recently, often on QT."

Unless you're Rhodri Morgan, when you officially have no opinion on the matter because you're not an MP.

I'm not sure that Benn and Galloway are interesting people Sam.They are completely predictable and therefore are probably not particularly effective advocates outside the 'hardcore' for their cause.Collins is a very persuasive speaker as is IDS so I'm not really suprised they won the vote.
I wonder if the result would have been the same had people of the calibre of Ken Clarke,Malcolm Rifkind,General Sir Michael Rose or Brigadier Patrick Cordingly had been proposing the motion.Idle speculation I know but interesting all the same.

I haven't seen Skinner and Altikriti before, but surely a debate with Benn and Galloway on one side, and IDS and Collins on the other would be a good spectacle! The fact that the former wouldn't be very good advocates for their wrong cause would only add to it.

Interesting that a report on the Cambridge Union should contain references to two ex-Presidents of the Oxford Union.

Talking of debates I went to the latest Conservative Way Forward question time debate yesterday.Last night they had 4 journos, Daniel Finkelstein,Bruce Anderson,Ross Clark and Michael Brown taking question.All except possibly Clark were very pro Cameron.More suprisingly so with few exceptions were the audience.If the 'Tebbit view' cannot prevail amongst these people where can it?
For those of you living in London or environs these debates are usually of a very quality and well worth attending,and it's only a tenner with free drinks!

"Unless you're Rhodri Morgan, when you officially have no opinion on the matter because you're not an MP."

That sight of him trying to wiggle out of that was hilarious. He probably thinks the war was wrong but doesn't want to contradict the Dear Leader.

As a Cambridge student I was desperately trying to get to see this, but alas it was full by the time I arrived. I understand that Galloway made a complete fool of himself. I did see GG at the Union a couple of years ago, Malcolm Rifkind sliced and diced him in a motion about "America's Dream being the world's nightmare"

I'm not sure how much weight to place on winning these things. The equivalent body at UCL has an annual debate on the motion "This House has no confidence in HM Government", the point being that by immemorial tradition it always passes.

Except, famously, for one occasion: Eden "won" ... a few months before Suez.

Then, after I graduated, John Major won.

I think Blair might have won soon after coming to power.

There's a message there, could we only decipher it....

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