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I think they should call him "Cameron Cameron".

Are all comments now being moderated, or is there a major delay in posts appearing? or have I been caught in a spam trap?

Clearly the latter... here's another go.
The nearest major town to the Camerons is, of course, Notting Hill. My money is therefore going on Hugh.

Excellent suggestion, Victoria, and shrewd.

Even better, two names which suggest a link between the modern art form of British cinema, and the traditional genius of British art:

Hugh Turner Cameron

I reckon it’ll be called after one of the grand-fathers so either Reginald or Ian.

As for Eton, he's already said he'd like his children to go to state schools so look for some of the better schools in Witney area.

Micheal Cameron? Who will be the Godparents? Alice Thompson and Ed Vaisey are my guesses.

George Osbourne surely????

Got to be Tony surely.

Boring. Can we talk about his job rather than his family please?

Vic Andromeda

It's an anagram, along with the slighly less fortunate A MAN DIVORCED and RANDOM ADVICE.

Cameron's choice of education for his son is his private decision, and I sincerely hope he would not deny him the chance of a wonderful education at Eton just because it might look bad politically.

"Cameron's choice of education for his son is his private decision, and I sincerely hope he would not deny him the chance of a wonderful education at Eton just because it might look bad politically."

Well it certainly didn't hinder Tony Blair!

If David Cameron does send his son to Eton...and no one is denying him that right of choice...it will seem a hypocritical move to many, both in and out of the party, especially in the light of Cameron's recent u turn on Grammar schools.

verulamgal, that is the truest and most worthwhile comment that has appeared in this somewhat frivolous debate. Well said.

Who cares what DC calls his son! It's his business. Leave the poor man alone.

But we should care if he gives his kids a priviledged education whilst denying the chance of selective education to those less well off than him. Of course, it didn't stop Blair, but I rather hoped that whilst not exclusive, hypocracy was rather more common to Labour than to us.

Arthur Elwen apparently.

Poor kid.

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