Yesterday we noted how a panel of influential journalists, parliamentarians and thought leaders rated the London think tanks. The Centre for Social Justice and Policy Exchange won top marks.
Simultaneously we also held a vote of ConservativeHome readers and that produced a very strong showing for The TaxPayers' Alliance in almost every category.
1,265 took part and this is how they voted:
35% voted the TaxPayers' Alliance as the most effective overall think tank in influencing the national debate. The Centre for Social Justice won 12% of the vote. Policy Exchange 10%.
40% thought the TPA had carried out the most interesting economic analysis. Reform was next with 9%. The Centre for Policy Studies and Policy Exchange tied with 8%.
48% thought the TPA would be toughest on any Conservative government. Second placed in this category was Reform with 7% and MigrationWatch with 6%.
20% thought the TPA had been most effective at nurturing new talent. Second was the Adam Smith Institute with 15% and then Policy Exchange with 14%.
The CSJ did win among readers in the category of which think tank had been most influential on the Cameron project - as it did with influentials. It won 25% of the vote. Policy Exchange won 20%. The TaxPayers' Alliance won 17%.
Over the last few days ConservativeHome has been surveying readers and 'influentials' about the quality of the London think tanks. Tomorrow we'll publish how readers voted. Today we publish the results of voting by 94 influential journalists, parliamentarians, bloggers and other thought-leaders.
The Centre for Social justice was voted the think tank that has had the biggest influence on the Cameron project
The CSJ only just beat Policy Exchange. The CSJ won 40 votes and PX won 36 votes. Third, a long way behind, was Respublica with 5 votes.
The CSJ has played a leading role in David Cameron's biggest idea, "the Big Society". Seventy CSJ policy ideas have been adopted by the Conservative Party.
Policy Exchange was voted the think tank that was most effective overall
It won 33 votes. The CSJ won 29 votes. The TaxPayers' Alliance won 18 votes. PX's most recent success was its publication arguing against NI rises.
The TaxPayers' Alliance was voted the think tank likely to cause most difficulty for any Conservative government
It won a massive 55 of the votes in this section. Next came Reform with 10 votes and then the Centre for Policy Studies with 8 votes. The TPA recently produced a manifesto that set it against key parts of the Conservative programme. The Left's argument that it is a Tory front organisation is not believed by our panel of influentials.
The Adam Smith Institute was voted the think tank best at developing new talent
The ASI won 18 votes. Policy Exchange won 16 votes. The TaxPayers' Alliance and the CSJ both won 14 votes.