"Financial Regulation - What is the best solution for the EU?" (PDF)
Authors: Tim Ambler & Keith Boyfield
Publication date: September 2009
This paper is the Adam Smith Institute's response to the EU consultation paper on financial supervision. The paper warns that the banking crisis is being used by the EU as an opportunity to impose bureaucratic regulatory structures on nation states.
"Our Fight for Democracy - The United Kingdom and the European Union" (PDF)
Author: John Strafford
Publication date: September 2009
The author argues that the EU is profoundly undemocratic with the European Parliament being little more than a sham and the real power resting in the hands of unelected and unaccountable political elites. The paper notes that as an estimated 65% of UK legislation emanates from Brussels it is time the British people had their say on our continued membership of the EU.
"EU Diplomats"(PDF)
Author: Dr Lee Rotherham. Foreword by Sir Antony Acland.
Publication date: September 2009
The report details the burgeoning EU Diplomatic service which according to the author is allowing the EU to develop an identity on the world stage in its own right. The report states the EU has a budget of £3.4billion a year to be spent on its international affairs programme known as the External Relations programme. The report concludes that the UK taxpayer is paying for someone else to run our foreign policy and the British public is unaware of just how much money is being spent.
"The EU's AIFM Directive - likely impact and best way forward"(PDF)
Author: Mats Persson
Publication date: 21 September 2009
With an estimated 18,000 people in the UK directly employed in the hedge fund industry and the private equity sector, most of whom are based in the City of London, the Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFM) has the potential to have a great impact on the British economy. The author of this report which analyses the AIFM Directive is extremely concerned that the Directive will result in more costs and extra regulation with negligible benefit arising for an industry which has already been hit hard by the global financial crisis. The report concludes that in its current form the AIFM Directive is seriously flawed and has the potential to destroy thousands of jobs in the UK.
"How the Irish Government lost out in negotiations on the Lisbon Treaty" (PDF)
Author: Open Europe
Publication date: 4 September 2009
The report details the failure of the Irish Government to dilute the Lisbon Treaty following the initial "No" vote. The report states that the Irish Government objected to some of the key elements of the Lisbon Treaty such as the appointment of a permanent EU President, the loss of a national veto in many important areas of policy and the creation of a European Public Prosecutor. Of a proposed 149 amendments from the Irish Government only 36 were accepted and since this report was published the Irish have voted to ratify the Lisbon Treaty.
"On the Wrong Track - the impact of European Union legislation on Britain's railways" (PDF)
Author: John Petley
Publication date: August 2009
The paper contends that there is an ever-increasing volume of legislation emanating from Brussels in relation to the operation of railways. The author argues that this legislation is being used to undermine nation state railway operations and is another reason why the UK should withdraw from the EU.
"The European Institutions as an Interest Group - The Dynamics of Ever-Closer Union" (PDF)
Author: Roland Vaubel
Publication date: 2 June 2009
The report argues that the European institutions are more out of touch with the views of their citizens than ever before. The ratification of the Lisbon Treaty will reinforce the creep of centralisation by transferring more competencies to the EU and further dilute the power of national governments. The report advocates widespread changes to the European Commission, the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice in order to prevent any more dislocation between those who work for the European Union and the people they represent.
"Cool Thinking on Climate Change - Why the EU's climate alarmism is both mistaken and dangerous"(PDF)
Author: Roger Helmer MEP
Publication date: May 2009
Conservative MEP Roger Helmer argues that governments should be focussing more on energy security and less on climate change which the author argues is consistent with natural long-term climate cycles.The paper claims that the EU's alarmist actions on climate change are damaging prosperity and obscuring the more important issue of securing the energy supply network.
"What does the European Parliament do and how does it affect your everyday life?" (PDF)
Author: Open Europe
Publication date: April 2009
This report tries to rebut the often held opinion that the European Parliament has no actual power. The report claims MEPs now have a "veto" over national governments on about 75% of all European legislation and that the Lisbon Treaty will increase the power of the European Parliament still further. The report contains several recommendations to make the European Parliament less distant and more transparent such as a 20% cut in salary for MEPs and full disclosure of their salaries, pension provisions and expense entitlements.
"European Family Law - Faster Divorce and Foreign Law"(PDF)
Authors: The Centre for Social Justice Family Law Working Group chaired by David Hodson
Publication date: 27 April 2009
This report deals with complex family law issues when divorces take place between international couples who are both from EU member states. The report argues that European family law should place more emphasis on attempts of reconciliation and is critical of the speed by which divorce is granted in some European jurisdictions.