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The Government policies which were recommended by Policy Exchange

By Jonathan Isaby

Policy Exchange new logo Following my post in which the Centre for Policy Studies laid claim to have been the source of a number of policies being enacted by the Government, here is the equivalent list of recommendations adopted by the Coalition Government which has been submitted by Policy Exchange. In italics are the names of the publications in which the proposals appeared.

Crime & Justice

  • Elected commissioners to oversee the police - Going Local, Fitting the Bill, Partners in Crime
  • Enhanced legal protection for those who intervene to stop crime or anti-social behaviour - A State of Disorder
  • Making hospitals share non-confidential information with the police so they know where gun and knife crime is happening and can target stop-and-search accordingly - Getting to the Point


  • An emergency budget to deal with the deficit - Controlling Public Spending: the scale of the challenge
  • A single agency to take on the work of tackling serious economic crime that is currently done by, amongst others, the Serious Fraud Office, Financial Services Authority and Office of Fair Trading - Fighting Fraud and Financial Crime
  • An Office for Budget Responsibility was first mooted in an article by Dr Oliver Marc Hartwich, our former Chief Economist
  • Preventing the introduction of the proposed increase in Employers' National Insurance contributions - Taxation, Growth and Employment


  • Introducing a pupil premium - School Funding and Social Justice
  • Freeing up the school system to allow organizations such as charities and the private sector to set up school and giving schools a greater freedom over the curriculum - A Guide to School Choice Reforms, Helping Schools Succeed, Choice, What Choice?
  • Creating Teach First to improve the quality of teachers - More Good Teachers
  • Create flexibility in the exams systems so that state schools can offer qualifications like IGCSE  - Rising Marks, Falling Standards
  • Setting colleges free and abolishing many of the further education quangos - Simply Learning
  • Review of support for part-time students - Educating Rita?
  • Publication of more information about graduate earnings and student satisfaction about university courses - More Fees Please?

Environment & Energy

  • Creation of a green investment bank - Delivering a 21st Century Infrastructure for Britain
  • Encouraging home energy efficiency improvements paid for by savings from energy bills - Warm Homes
  • Encouraging councils to pay people to recycle, and work to reduce littering - A Wasted Opportunity?
  • Reforming planning laws to give neighbourhoods more power to determine the shape of the environment around them - Bigger, Better, Faster, More and Better Homes, Greener Cities

Health & Social Care

  • Review alcohol taxation and pricing to ensure it tackles binge drinking without penalizing responsible drinkers - Hitting the Bottle
  • Incentivise ways of GPS working in disadvantaged areas - Which Doctor?
  • Enable patients to rate doctors according to the quality of care they received - Which Doctor?
  • Measure NHS success on health results such as improving cancer and stroke survival rates - Measure for Measure


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