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Theresa May launches new push on immigration today

By Mark Wallace 
Follow Mark on Twitter.

Later this morning, Theresa May will send an email to Conservative Party members drawing the dividing lines with Labour on immigration. We have a sneak preview in the form of the infographic which will be sent out with her message:

Immigration Infographic

As I wrote yesterday, having strong official statistics is not the same thing as being able to persuade the public that they are true. However, this stark comparison is a good start - as is the list of tougher measures which Labour are opposing which her email lays out. They are the opening shots of what is set to be a high profile battle over the Immigration Bill, and represent a growing realisation in Tory command that they need to prove they are implementing reforms rather than just proposing them.

The immigration issue is also likely to play an ever bigger part in the debate over EU renegotiation. New polling for Sky News, carried out by Survation, has found that the top demand from voters is that control of migration should be returned to the UK - a challenge to the fundamental rules of EU membership.


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