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Michael Gove believes that Britain must threaten to leave EU in order to secure real renegotiation

By Tim Montgomerie
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"Give us back our sovereignty or we'll walk out" is apparently what Education Secretary Michael Gove thinks Britain should tell Europe. Mr Gove hasn't given a formal interview to the Mail on Sunday but the newspaper has tomorrow splashed with the news, reporting that Mr Gove has told close friends that leaving the EU is not scary and only a threat of Britain exiting the EU could produce substantial renegotiation.

My estimation is that at least eight Tory Cabinet ministers would privately sign up to exactly that view.

11pm: The Mail on Sunday story is now online.

Sunday morning, 8.30am: Noting the likelihood oif historic changes to EU institutions and structures in the coming months and years an editorial in the Mail on Sunday congratulates Michael Gove on his timing. "Mr Gove," it writes, "has raised the banner of national independence inside Westminster. He and others should consider speaking out openly, and the Prime Minister should let them." Paul Goodman recently wondered what other Cabinet ministers thought about European policy. He wrote: "A concerted Cabinet push for, say, a renegotiation package, plus a referendum pledge, in the next manifesto might leave Mr Cameron with no alternative but to concede one - especially given the views of the wider party." That push may now be underway.


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