New group Conservative Voice aims to help build an election-winning Tory machine
By Tim Montgomerie
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It's not quite as exciting as the overnight news from Flushing Meadows but I am genuinely delighted to report the launch of Conservative Voice.
A central belief of ConservativeHome's Majority project is that to win the next election we don't just need a refreshed party message and manifesto, we also need a new Tory machine. We need to rethink our approach to party activism, use of the internet, relations with third party groups, candidate selection and so many other aspects of our party's voter identification and mobilisation strategies. London and the centre right have plenty of policy-orientated groups but not many groups that are dedicated to these questions of party organisation, membership and getting out the vote. This gap has now been filled.
Don Porter CBE, a former Chairman of the National Convention, is the brains behind the initiative and I'm delighted to report that he and the dynamic Conservative Voice team will be working closely with ConservativeHome and our own Majority project*.
Its full aims are:
- "Promote election-winning campaign practice from across the Party and overseas
- Support aspiring MPs and councillors and encourage local activists with a wider range of experience from outside of politics to lend their time for campaigning
- Assist aspiring MPs and councillors with their online and social media presence
- Create a forum for ideas and debates, featuring key figures within the Conservative Party
- Work with Peers, MPs, MEPs, councillors and Conservative Party activists to promote the best of new Conservative ideas from a wider range of experience than the Westminster village, to help shape Conservative Party manifesto policies
- Fundraise to support and promote a Conservative vision."
You can read more about ConservativeVoice on its website and follow it on Twitter. Don Porter also has this OpEd in today's Telegraph.
Fox, Raab, Barclay, Davis, Halfon
* The ConservativeHome Majority Project formally launches at lunchtime on Sunday 7th October at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham.