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Ideas, please, for UKIP's next logo

By Tim Montgomerie
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Screen Shot 2012-09-16 at 18.25.59The Telegraph is reporting that UKIP is ditching its pound sign logo. Nigel Farage tells journalist Christopher Hope that Britain's currency is now safe and it is no longer such a potent emblem for his party:

“Our pound sign has been a fantastically simple image. But now it is in my opinion represents a battle honour and not a forward looking aspiration for a party that wants to represent an independent UK.”

It's also changing its name from the UK Independence Party to simply UKIP. Don't understand that one.

In the past UKIP considered, if my memory serves me correctly, changing its logo to a butterfly. What do we suggest should best capture UKIP's identity? A torch of liberty for its libertarian and Thatcherite wing or perhaps a drawbridge for the elements within the party that want the rest of the world to go away?

My naughty suggestion would be a backdoor to signify the route by which pro-EU Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs get elected when UKIP divides the Eurosceptic and centre right vote.

What would readers suggest?


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