Boris Johnson launches his nine point plan for London
By Tim Montgomerie
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Later today at a Conservative conference in London Boris Johnson will unveil his nine point plan for London.
- Cutting waste at City Hall – freeing up £3.5 billion for services
- Putting £445 back in your pocket by freezing the Mayoral share of council tax
- Creating 200,000 new jobs over the next four years
- Making our streets and homes safer with 1,000 more police on the beat
- Restoring 300 acres of green space and planting 20,000 street trees
- Investing £221 million to transform local high streets, supporting small businesses
- Ensuring a true Olympic legacy – 11,000 new homes and 10,000 new jobs
- Reducing Tube delays 30% by 2015. Building Crossrail and orbital rail to link our suburbs. Extending the Bike Hire scheme.
- Securing a better deal for London from No 10.
There are a lot of very good ideas in there. I've highlighted - in pink - the three pledges that I think Boris should highlight: Lower council tax. More jobs. Better transport. Later, in his speech, we should get some sense of how he plans to deliver his pledges.
> Visit Boris Johnson's re-election website.