IDS and Gove continue to impress Tory members
By Tim Montgomerie
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In this month's ConservativeHome members' survey we used the alternative question we sometimes use to rate the Cabinet. Rather than asking for a satisfaction rating for every one of David Cameron's top table colleagues (last month's ratings for this test are here) we asked respondents to name the three most effective. These are the results.
- Iain Duncan Smith 64.5%
- Michael Gove 60.7%
- George Osborne 47.6%
- William Hague 41.3%
- Eric Pickles 23.1%
- Theresa May 13.5%
- Danny Alexander 9.0%
- Philip Hammond 7.1%
- Owen Paterson 4.2%
- Andrew Lansley 4.0%
- Ken Clarke 3.1%
- David Willetts 3.0%
- Jeremy Hunt 2.9%
- Justine Greening 2.4%
- Vince Cable 2.3%
- Francis Maude 2.2%
- Sir George Young 2.2%
- Sayeeda Wasi 1.8%
- Andrew Mitchell 1.7%
- Lord Strathclyde 1.1%
- Caroline Spelman 0.9%
- Patrick McLoughlin 0.6%
- Oliver Letwin 0.5%
- Michael Moore 0.4%
- Chris Huhne 0.3%
- Cheryl Gillan 0.1%
A month ago Tory members voted for Michael Gove as their Conservative of 2011. Then IDS was second-placed. Different question but interesting nonetheless.
Earlier today we published the results for preferred growth policies.
(1,411 members completed the survey on 31st January and 1st February.)