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IDS, Gove and Pickles top Cabinet league table

By Tim Montgomerie
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The most notable change this month has already been noted; a big drop in satisfaction with George Osborne. There are no other significant movements in net satisfaction.

  1. Iain Duncan Smith: 92% minus 6% = 86%
  2. Michael Gove: 92% minus 9% = 83%
  3. Eric Pickles: 82% minus 16% = 66%
  4. Sir George Young: 62% minus 16% = 56%
  5. Philip Hammond: 65% minus 12% = 53%
  6. Jeremy Hunt: 67% minus 19% = 48%
  7. William Hague: 72% minus 25% = 47%
  8. Theresa May: 66% minus 22% = 44%
  9. Danny Alexander: 64% minus 24% = 40%
  10. George Osborne: 65% minus 30% = 35%
  11. Justine Greening: 49% minus 15% = 34%
  12. Owen Paterson: 46% minus 12% = 34%
  13. Lord Strathclyde: 51% minus 17% = 34%
  14. Francis Maude: 59% minus 26% = 33%
  15. David Willetts: 55% minus 26% = 29%
  16. Andrew Lansley: 61% minus 33% = 28%
  17. Cheryl Gillan: 32% minus 18% = 14%
  18. Caroline Spelman: 44% minus 35% = 9%
  19. Michael Moore: 28% minus 20% = 8%
  20. Oliver Letwin: 45% minus 37% = 8%
  21. Andrew Mitchell: 43% minus 42% = 1%
  22. Nick Clegg: 42% minus 44% = -2%
  23. Patrick McCloughlin: 36% minus 40% = -4%
  24. Sayeeda Warsi: 37% minus 52% = -15%
  25. Ken Clarke: 36% minus 64% = -28%
  26. Vince Cable: 14% minus 85% = -69%
  27. Chris Huhne: 9% minus 87% = -78%


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