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Cameron's Magnificent Seven of high performing Cabinet ministers

Tim Montgomerie

C-Home Magnificent Seven

The latest ConservativeHome poll of Tory members confirms what I'll call the emergence of Cameron's Magnificent Seven of top tier Cabinet performers:

  1. Iain Duncan Smith: Per cent satisfied minus dissatisfied equal 82%
  2. George Osborne: 80%
  3. Eric Pickles: 72%
  4. Michael Gove: 64%
  5. William Hague: 62%
  6. Theresa May: 60%
  7. Liam Fox: 57%

David Cameron himself has a net satisfaction rating of 74%.

Ken Clarke would probably be regarded as a big hitter by many outside of the party but, for the second month, more members are now dissatisfied with his performance than are satisfied. The other Cabinet rankings are below:
  1. Philip Hammond 52%
  2. Jeremy Hunt 52%
  3. Nick Clegg 45%
  4. David Willetts 43%
  5. Sir George Young 42%
  6. Danny Alexander 38%
  7. Andrew Lansley 36%
  8. Lord Strathclyde 33%
  9. Owen Paterson 28%
  10. Patrick McLoughlin 27%
  11. Oliver Letwin 24%
  12. Andrew Mitchell 22%
  13. Francis Maude 20%
  14. Cheryl Gillan 19%
  15. Michael Moore 11%
  16. Caroline Spelman 2%
  17. Ken Clarke -8%
  18. Chris Huhne -12%
  19. Baroness Warsi -13%
  20. Vince Cable -48%

1270 Tory members, questioned 28th February to 2nd March.


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