Cameron should have only one aim at the Spring Forum
by Paul Goodman
What should David Cameron aim to do at the Party's Spring Forum, which opens in Cardiff tomorrow?
- Clarify the Coalition's aims for the country? (Whatever happened to "In the national interest?)
- Set out a growth agenda for the economy?
- Carve out a distinctive Conservative presence within the Government?
- Sharpen the Party's attack on Labour?
I say: none of the above.
There's no convincing case for changing Westminster's voting system to ensure that the least unpopular candidate - rather than the most popular one - wins elections; for giving disproportionate power to those who back the smaller parties, and for strengthening the position of the Liberal Democrats.
The Prime Minister has two months from tomorrow to help make his case to voters. Inspiring Party activists to get out and campaign is part of that task. It would perhaps be an exaggeration to claim that the future of the Government and the Party depends on it. But perhaps not.
Over to Cameron.