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Liberal Democrats slump to 15% in new YouGov poll

YGThe latest YouGov poll confirms the trend I discussed in last week's Times. The trajectory of the Coalition is now very clear. The large-scale defection of left-inclined voters from Clegg to the new Labour leader will either force the Liberal Democrats out of the Coalition or Cameron will accelerate the leftwards direction of the government. There will be more concessions of the kind we have seen on electoral reform, prison sentences and human rights legislation to sweeten Mr Clegg's relationship with the big left-wing beasts in his party.

The strength of Labour is also of some early concern. The Cameroons need to take Iain Martin's advice; stop announcing cuts one-by-one-by-one. It's terrible media management.

YouGov also report that the overall approval rating for the Coalition is +11%. 45% voters approve of the government's performance with 34% disapproving.

Tim Montgomerie


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