Conservative Diary

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Is this what you want David Cameron's Government to achieve?

  1. Elimination of the bulk of the budget deficit;
  2. Simplification and reduction of the tax burden;
  3. Deregulation of the economy;
  4. Rebalancing of benefits enjoyed by private and public sector workers;
  5. Greater energy security;
  6. Better transport links by road, rail, sea and air;
  7. Reduced net immigration;
  8. A fairer distribution of political and economic power;
  9. More transparency in government;
  10. Educational choice for parents;
  11. Local control of the police and other public services;
  12. Stronger families and support for marriage;
  13. Greater philanthropy and genuinely independent voluntarism;
  14. Protection of the natural environment;
  15. Welfare to be refocused on the very sick, very old and very disabled;
  16. Greater diversity in media and culture;
  17. A stronger armed forces and renewed military covenant;
  18. Freer trade and reduced global poverty;
  19. The restoration of historic liberties including returned powers from the EU.

Are you happy with those objectives?

Are they worded correctly?

Are any objectives missing?

Tim Montgomerie


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