Tories are now running against the Hung Parliament Party
One of two parties can win this General Election, says George Osborne at a special Tory press conference: the Conservatives or the Hung Parliament Party.
Britain either gets a strong Conservative government or paralysis.
Tomorrow's Tory broadcast will warn of four consequences if the Hung Parliament Party wins:
- An increase in "behind closed door politics" where politicians make deals among themselves;
- Indecisive and weak government where parties worried about a second election duck difficult choices;
- A paralysed economy that will be bad for sterling and growth;
- Another election later this year; because hung parliaments usually collapse in recriminations.
During the same press conference Jeremy Hunt attacked Nick Clegg for playing old politics. If he can rule out keeping Brown in power if Labour comes third, why can't he be straight and rule out keeping Brown in power if Labour comes second.
Full PDF of the Tory briefing against a hung parliament.
Tim Montgomerie
Update: Watch the broadcast.