Conservative Diary

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What's the key message for Lib/Con marginals?

Ideal For those who've been following ConHome over the last 24 hours we're in stage one of a process to design an ideal Tory leaflet. So far we've looked at...

In stage two we'll vote on the various ideas and decide the best in each category.

As well as designing a leaflet for Lab/Con seats we need one for Lib/Con seats. What messages should that leaflet conclude? I have one suggestion:

A vote for the Conservatives will end thirteen years of Labour failure.

If *Miltonborough* elects a Liberal Democrat MP we may have a hung parliament.

That MP might even keep Gordon Brown in power.

Britain cannot afford the uncertainty of weak government at this difficult time.

From day one a strong Conservative government will begin the urgent working of reducing Britain's debts and getting the economy growing again.

We need a Conservative MP for *Miltonborough* who will work with David Cameron to invest in the NHS, protect the local environment and cut the cost of politics.

Please add your own thoughts below.

Tim Montgomerie


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