How should Conservative leaflets attack Labour?
Over the next few days - with your help - I want to produce an ideal election leaflet.
Stage one is happening on the site now. I'm gathering together the best components for a leaflet, as started last night with producing a comprehensive list of best doorstep policies.
Stage two will be a vote of all ConHome regular readers. We'll vote for the best doorstep policies and on a few other components of the leaflet.
Stage three will see the results of the vote published in the form of an ideal Tory leaflet. We'll produce one for Lab/Con marginals and one for Lib/Con marginals.
As part of stage one I'm now asking for the best attack lines on Labour. Ten are below*. What would you add?
- Labour has doubled the national debt.
- Brown is borrowing £277,719 every minute.
- Britain suffered the longest recession of all major economies.
- Superbugs have killed thousands in dirty NHS hospitals.
- 900,000 more people are living in extreme poverty.
- The gap between rich and poor has widened under Labour.
- Labour's failure to control immigration will add nearly seven million to the UK population in the next 20 years.
- More soldiers have died in Afghanistan than in the Falklands, partly because of inadequate equipment.
- Anti-social behaviour has soared in places where Labour introduced 24 hour drinking.
- Brown broke a promise to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.
Tim Montgomerie
* A good number from John Major's demolition of New Labour's record in the Mail on Sunday.