(5) Vote Conservative... because of Iain Duncan Smith
There is well-grounded speculation that Iain Duncan Smith will join the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Social Justice if David Cameron becomes Prime Minister. IDS, through his work at the Centre for Social Justice, would be the ideal champion of the compassion agenda across government but clear anti-poverty policies are certain to be in the Tory manifesto. They will be built around the aim to help people form stronger families, better schools and make work pay.
The elimination of the couple penalty in the benefits system would end the powerful disincentive that discourages the two parent family. It must be hoped that Neil O'Brien's suggestion is taken up. He recommended that broader criteria be used in the battle against child poverty.
IDS favours a particular emphasis on early years intervention and has recommended that the new married couples allowance favours parents with children under three first of all.
Oliver Letwin has said that a Tory government will stop micro-managing the voluntary and private agencies that it contracts with. The use of paid-by-results suppliers will bring innovation to the two great tasks of rehabilitating prisoners and moving people from welfare-to-work.
More Tory policies that would help the vulnerable are listed here.
Tim Montgomerie
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