Conservative Diary

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Tories promise scholarships for the children of military dead

Our country has not always looked after its armed forces veterans. A big theme of David Cameron's leadership has been to change that.

A CCHQ press release reminds us of the commitments already made:

  1. "Doubling the Operational Allowance.  A future Conservative Government will double the operational allowance to £4,800 for a six-month tour.
  2. A Veterans’ Mental Health Service.  A future Conservative Government will pilot a mental health follow-up telephone service for our veterans who have been deployed on operations. It will require mental health professionals to contact former members of the Armed Forces who have seen active service a year after they returned to civilian life.
  3. Dedicated Military Wards in Hospitals. Whilst we support the setting up of a military-managed ward at Selly Oak Hospital in Birmingham, we believe that military and civilian patients should be separated more completely, where possible, in dedicated military wards."

Tonight, George Osborne and Liam Fox have announced that a Conservative government will provide "university and further education scholarships for the children of servicemen and women killed while on active duty." The scholarships would cover £8,210 in tuition fees and another £5,000 pa maintenance.

The Shadow Chancellor commented: "These university and college scholarships will provide financial help for the families of fallen servicemen and women – and will be a lasting tribute to their bravery and sacrifice."

The Shadow Defence Secretary added: "This is a clear sign of our commitment to the Military Covenant. Our duty of care extends not only to those serving in our Armed Forces but to their dependants. For those fighting for our security, they have a right to know that if the worst happens their families will be properly cared for."

A terrific and worthy policy. The BBC has a report.

Tim Montgomerie


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