Cameron's rating starting turning down after he announced his new Europe policy
...suggests a new PoliticsHome survey of one thousand voters:
The downward trend in Mr Cameron's rating followed his announcement that a referendum would no longer be offered to the British people.
The Daily Mail launched a furious attack on Mr Cameron at the time - focusing not so much on the substance of the Europe issue but the [unfair] idea that he'd broken a promise.
David Cameron will be pleased with the coverage he won in today's edition of The Mail. The Mail has welcomed Mr Cameron's reiteration of his support for the married family. CCHQ's wooing of Paul Dacre may mean that the Conservative leadership will find a way of affording some kind of early recognition of marriage in the tax system. The Conservatives don't want to be accusing of breaking another key promise and upsetting the volcanic Mr Dacre twice.
Tim Montgomerie