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Proofs of compassionate conservatism

Compassionateconservatism I'm preparing a presentation to a big UK charity on the Conservative Party and am listing policies that substantiate David Cameron's commitment to social justice. I'm guessing not every reader will agree with every item on the list below (particularly number ten!) but have I missed any major policies?

  1. Abolition of the penalty within the benefits system that discourages couples from living together.
  2. 4,000 extra health visitors for couples with very young children.
  3. Maintaining NHS spending.
  4. Restoration of the pensions/average earnings link.
  5. A £1,500 premium for every pupil in the inner cities.
  6. Protection of special needs schools from closure and a technical college in every major city.
  7. Exemption of those earning less than £18,000 from a public sector pay freeze.
  8. A right-to-move for social housing tenants.
  9. The renewal of the military covenant so that serving soldiers and veterans receive vastly better care.
  10. Maintaining the commitment to spend 0.7% of national income on international development.

Tim Montgomerie


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