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In Washington confrontation, Hillary Clinton castigates William Hague for Conservative Party's new allies in Europe... EXCEPT SHE DIDN'T

The left-wing newspapers and bloggers had been predicting that America's Secretary of State would raise 'concerns' about the new allies of Tory MEPs.  A Tory spokesman tells ConHome that "no one" raised the issue with the Shadow Foreign Secretary during yesterday's day full of meetings. "No one". "No one". "No one". I hope our friends on the Left have got that!?

The spokesman continued:

"[William Hague] raised it with Mrs Clinton given the reports in the British press. He reassured her that these were mainstream parties of the centre right, including parties involved in the Government of Latvia and holding the Presidency of Poland.  The Conservative Party rejects smear campaigns mounted against some of their members."

Hague_clinton2 Mr Hague issued this statement: "I had an excellent meeting with Hilary Clinton. We discussed a whole range of international issues, in particular Northern Ireland after her recent visit, Afghanistan, Iran, climate change and Bosnia."

In a sign of the seriousness with which the Obama administration is treating the Conservative Party, Mr Hague also met the President's National Security Advisor, General Jim Jones.  Mr Hague also met Senators John McCain and John Kerry.

Tim Montgomerie


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