Conservative Diary

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The Sun officially deserts the Labour Party to back the Conservatives

It's breaking news tonight that will devastate the Brown camp after his speech this afternoon: tomorrow's Sun newspaper carries the headline "Labour's Lost It" alongside news that the paper "wot won it" for Labour at the last three elections is deserting the party and endorsing the Conservatives.

Here are a couple of screenshots of the paper taken from the paper reviews on TV this evening:

Picture 23

Picture 24

Speaking on Sky News, the paper's political editor, George Pascoe-Watson, cited Brown's failure to address Sun readers' concerns about Europe, the Lisbon Treaty and the treatment of our armed forces as being among the reasons for it switching its support to the Conservatives.

11.30pm update: The link to the Sun story is here - although as of late Tuesday night it is only carrying the opening paragraph:

"After 12 long years in power, this Government has lost its way. Now it's lost The Sun's support too."

Jonathan Isaby


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