Twenty more suggestions for The Shoestring manifesto
Over the last week I've been proposing cost-free policies that a Tory Government should introduce as part of a 'Shoestring Manifesto' (for the environment, social justice, fairness in the media, democratic renewal and patriotism). In the ConHome monthly survey I asked readers for their own ideas and without necessarily approving of them I publish twenty of them below:
(1) Abolish the right to apply for retrospective planning permission. This would stop travellers planting themselves in a field on Saturday morning, applying for retrospective permission to be there on Monday. Local Authorities wouldn't have to face the ire of their electorate when they decline to go to judicial review of an inspector's decision to overturn the planning committee's refusal of permission.
(2) Amend the smoking ban, to cater for choice, and respect property rights in relation thereto.
(3) Remove the ban on fox hunting.
(4) National Flags flown from Town Halls.
(5) Repeal 24 hour drinking the moment 3 out of every A & E admissions between midnight and 5 am are alcohol related.
(6) Impose a ban on hospital staff wearing their uniforms in public to reduce hospital infections.
(7) Abolish one existing law or regulation for every new law or regulation introduced.
(8) ALL lighting for advertising purposes only should be switched off at midnight.
(9) Reform the curriculum to make history compulsory for 14-16 year olds, with an emphasis on British political, social cultural and constitutional history since 1500. Do this and all the nonsense talk about what it is to be British will vanish within a few years.
(10) Reinforce the notion that the Englishman's home is his castle... Anybody entering without invitation should lose all rights - including risk of harm from the householder.
(11) All recipients of state benefits should do some work in the local community to earn their keep.
(12) Have national three month amnesty after Con govt election on knives and guns and then campaign with ads and PR on the illegality of carrying.
(13) Zero tolerance of loud music from cars after midnight.
(14) Ban the use of any language except English in all official correspondence.
(15) Insist that the BBC runs regular programmes on what is happening in Brussels and Europe - the people of Britain are almost entirely ignorant of the lives and economics of Europe and the laws emanating from Brussels.
(16) Return National Lottery funding to the original good cause pillars.
(17) No upper age limit on right to work.
(18) Cancel HIPs.
(19) Trust local councils by reducing ring-fencing of their budgets.
(20) Make police officers patrol on their own - not as pairs.
Tim Montgomerie
The survey is still open. Questions cover George Osborne's two roles, the timing of the inheritance tax pledge, the smoking ban, quotas for candidate selection and a right-to-die. Click here to have your say.