Conservative Diary

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Edward McMillan-Scott and the ultimate anti-Semites

Earlier today Iain Dale and I linked to a very good blog by the UK's former Ambassador to Poland, Charles Crawford. Mr Crawford carefully examines the accusations levelled against Michal Kaminski and concludes that Edward McMillan-Scott MEP is "wrong" in his central points.

One should never lightly accuse any person of racism or anti-Semitism - as McMillan-Scott did.

What I have learnt, however, is that McMillan-Scott has opposed the line that William Hague, other Tory MEPs and most civilised democracies have taken for some time.  He has argued that Israel should engage with Hamas and that the Hamas administration in Gaza should be recognised. The terrorists of Hamas are the ultimate anti-Semites. Given a chance they would kill every Jew in the world. EMS is an apologist for killers of innocent civilian Jews and dares accuse Kaminski of anti-Semitism!

Picture 7 While Michal Kaminski was awarding Barack Obama's Jewish Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, the Polish Cross of Merit, McMillan-Scott was calling for the EU to recognise Hamas.

McMillan-Scott is still the Left's useful idiot and has still not been expelled from the Conservative Party.

Tim Montgomerie


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