Public school boys run Britain says David Davis during a defence of grammar schools
David Davis flexed his muscles last night during a Spectator debate on grammar schools. Public school boys now 'run Britain' he added: "The media, the law, business - they are all dominated by public school boys."
The Daily Mail records some of his key words:
Today we are witnessing the results of a failed revolution, where egalitarians abolished grammar schools to level opportunity in our society, and accidentally destroyed the chances of the very people they were trying to help... They punished the bright poor kids who were held back. They handicapped the intellectual capacity of the country. And out of this catastrophe there was only one winning group. Do you know who they were? Yes, the public schools. Who teach just 7 per cent of the population."
As ConHome has reported before, we expect backbench Tory MPs to amend any education bills from Michael Gove and David Cameron so that they allow for new grammar schools.
Tim Montgomerie