Frank Field for Speaker
Well that was an anti-climax. The Speaker has announced that he will relinquish his post for the 22nd June.
There is talk of Ann Widdecombe being an interim Speaker. Although Miss Widdecombe is a great woman of integrity and I ran a little campaign to see her nominated to the Lords I think she would be wrong for the Speaker's Chair. She has been too willing to defend MPs' privileges. We need a reformer.
It is for that reason I'm minded to support Frank Field should he choose to run. The Labour MP for Birkenhead is, like Miss Widdecombe, truly honourable and willing to stand apart from the party whip. On Sunday he called for wider parliamentary reform including less power for the executive and more power for backbenchers. On his blog today (wouldn't it be good to have an internet-friendly Speaker?) he calls for zero tolerance of dodgy expense claims and rapid introduction of the Kelly recommendations. I'd like to hear what other candidates have to say but Frank Field is my choice at the time of writing.
My friend and colleague Jonathan Isaby stated his "ideal choice" back in December; John Bercow. We don't always agree.
Tim Montgomerie
7pm: There is now a Facebook group, Frank Field for Speaker