Daniel Hannan and Douglas Carswell wrote David Cameron's speech today on devolving power
Well, no, in fact they didn't.
But the South East England MEP and Harwich MP can rightly claim to have been ahead of the curve when it comes to proposals to devolve power to lower levels; indeed, the ideas and even some of the rhetoric employed by David Cameron in his speech this morning is remarkably similar to that of Messrs Hannan and Carswell.
Compare the following, for instance.
Here's an extract of what David Cameron said this morning:
And here is an extract from The Plan: Twelve Months to renew Britain, the book written by Daniel Hannan and Douglas Carswell last autumn:
It hasn't taken very long for many of the ideas they set out in that book to become mainstream party policy. Dare I mention here that they also proposed repeal of the European Communities Act 1972?
Jonathan Isaby