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« The Conservative Party's electoral plight | Main | The Fall of George W Bush »


Samuel Coates

IDS' argument is for me the most powerful. We need to a party for everyone.

I do think there are several good pragmatic arguments for giving MP's the vote, but those of us who believe in the principles of both localism and democracy need to stand by them.


Excellent write up. For a party (& blog) divided by our preferences for leader there seems to be great unity on the principle of party democracy. IDS's comments about the geographic & social range of the enfranchised is spot on. It seems particularly absurd that MEPs, AMs and MSPs may not have a say in the leadership, yet will be expected to show loyalty in their very public roles. Also we are told how we have lost a lot of female voters, yet the parliamentry party is over-represented by men. Surely we do not address this problem by cutting the electorate.

My preference is for primaries rather than the electoral college, but to be honest for this election I'd be happy to stay with one member one vote and then we can put in place measures for primaries in future.

I am very disappointed in the way in which Francis Maude has gone about this, I've lost a lot of respect for him.


I enjoyed reading the briefing and believe that you need to encourage as large a number of people as possible in the selection for leader of the party. The bit that always stands out for me - is that the MP's are also manoeuvering themselves to jockey for cabinet positions with more power and money could then give the people no real choice.

Selecting someone because you don't like the alternative is a poor way to choose the potential prime minister and frankly smacks more of C4's Big Brother. Perhaps there should be a third box for 'neither of the above' and if this scores more highly than either of the two candidates you should re-select until you get it right.

As an example of people being disenfranchised - the public en-mass voted for a singer called Michelle McManus to win a Pop Idol contest but no-one went out and bought her records because many people's actual favourites were removed earlier in the competition, however, they wanted to participate and voted more to punish the judges and the producers of the show than because they liked her music.


Some sort of engagement with the wider public sounds like a good idea, but I still favour the members having the final say, as it is they who have made a commitment to join the party, and they do the work. I agree that with an electoral college there would be endless arguments over the different combinations ane permutations.

In the end a simple one-member-one-vote system is best. Why not trust the members!

Samuel Coates

Update: well done all, we were victorious!


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Gordon Brown is a traitor to his country.
In Britain if you are asked to go through one of the scanners you must comply. If you refuse you will be barred from flying and your name will be kept on a list. Guilty before you fly. You are not given the opportunity to have a pat down.
The terrorists have scarred the not properly elected Prime Minister (what a joke) in to forcing civilised human beings in to getting there naked bodies photo graphed and looked at in detail by anyone who is TRAINED. Have these perverts been vetted or are they on the sex offenders list. I bet all the Trained individuals are men.
A Doctor is the only other man i would willingly let look at my wife’s naked body for medical reasons not some floor cleaner who applied for a job as pervert. Looking for bombs or staring at naked woman all day. What a job to have. Not having to pay for porn but also getting paid to look at it. I spoke to a friend at an airport and he told me that the images are kept for an hour before they are deleted. Just encase something happens on the plane they can then go back and have another look at the porn. So all this “the images aren’t stored in anyway and are deleted straight away” is complete rubbish!
In order for myself and family to have a nice holiday in the sun I am expected to let my wife expose herself to a complete stranger.
I didn’t marry a slag. Porn stars have a choice to get photo graphed, our wife’s and children don’t. Until these Skandalis machines are destroyed I am stuck in this country for a holiday. To drive to a hot country far away with a young family is unfair on them.
The dignity of our loved ones has been thrown away just because of some mud hut dwellers go boo !!!
Do you think Winston Churchill would have aloud his loved ones to expose there genitals to strangers just so they could go on holiday.
Get some Genitals Brown. Don’t jump on the first band wagon that they say will stop terrorists. This last attack would still of happened even if he had gone through a scanner.
I served in the Army for my family and friends protection. Now my Supposed Leader is making them strip in front of anyone deemed TRAINED.
Disgusting behaviour from a supposed leader of men.
Bend over Britain all is lost.

PS.funny how the shares in these machines are on the up. Some one is making a lot of money out this.


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