When the idea of a Mayor for London was put to a referendum in 1998, the Tories – then under William Hague – supported the creation of the Mayor’s office but opposed the creation of an Assembly. Both were created but the Tories haven’t really changed their mind about the value of Assembly Members and their supporting staff.
David Cameron is already pledged to cut the cost of politics (for example via a 10% cut in the number of MPs). Abolishing the GLA and its 25 members would be a good next candidate for some more savings.
A new body of London councillors could be formed to hold the Mayor to account.
Savings id: Abolition of the Greater London Assembly.
Annual saving: Approximately £8m.
Previous idea for saving: (22) Abolish the £30 allowance for 16 to 19 year-olds in full time education.
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