Over on his blog John Redwood has listed seventeen EXISTING Tory spending cuts:
- ID cards and the National Identity database
- New centralised NHS computing schemes
- Regional assemblies
- Regional Planning quangos
- Reduction in the number of Special Advisers
- Reduction in the number of MPs
- Reduction in size of civil service through natural wastage
- Reduction in Tax Credits to higher earners
- Reform of welfare payments to put more people into work and off benefit
- Cuts in government advertising budgets
- Cuts in government purchasing of consultancy services - £4 billion of contracts currently out to tender
- Cuts in MP expenses by reducing the number of items they can claim for
- Removal of Learning and Skills Council bureaucracy
- Removal of £1 billion plus overhead monitoring and interfering with local government from Whitehall
- Accelerated sale of assets
- Greater role for private finance in housing
- Make future public sector pensions more affordable for taxpayers...
Has Mr Redwood missed any?